Anglaise, negative impact of he olympic game

Publié le 4 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 oct. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Il faut que j'écrive un petit texte en anglais sur les impactes négatives sur les jeux olympics en Angleterre

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

It is going to have of the pollution there has cause of cars.
Papers to use and to wast

ps. dite moi si mes 2 phrases sont fausse ou juste et qu'est ce que je peut rajouter pour qu'il soit complet j'ai plus d'idée.

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 oct. 2011
There's going to be pollution caused by cars.
Paper will be wasted.
Posté le 5 oct. 2011
Olympic games in London may have many bad impacts.
There will me more pollution caused by cars because there will be a lot of trafic jams.
So those games will have consequences on the environment. A lot of paper will be wasted to make flyers, newspapers...
Beside this, the olympic games will cost a lot of money because many facilities will have to be built for the players. It will be a financial burden for the English taxpayers and right now, England is facing a big economic crisis.
Moreover, the olympic games will demand more security because the risk of a potential terrorist attack will be higher and also everything will be done to prevent possible urban riots. People living around the Olympic games area will not be safe during the games because they will fear to be robbed...

Posté le 5 oct. 2011
trafic jam sans s pardon
Posté le 5 oct. 2011
trafic jam sans s pardon
Posté le 5 oct. 2011
trafic jam sans s pardon
Posté le 5 oct. 2011
trafic jam sans s pardon

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