Article de presse

Publié le 7 févr. 2016 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 févr. 2016 dans 8A
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Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, je dois rédiger un article de presse sur la déforestation, il faut entre 400 et 500 mots. J'ai terminé mon article et j voudrais savoir si j'ai fais des fautes et si mon texte est correct. Merci d'avance. 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The deforestation: A compromise in the world
Stop in the deforestation! Every year 13 million hectares of forest disappear

Forests, are vegetable trainings essential to the life on Earth which cover 31 % of the world ground surface.
Forests play an important role in the fixation of the CO2 which we emit and which disrupts dangerously our climate: 40 % some ground carbon is stored in the vegetation and the grounds of forests.
In 2005, according to a world survey by remote detection, the total surface of the forests of the world were 3,69 million hectares, that is 30 % of the world surface. Unfortunately 80 % of forests a summer brought down or degraded, essentially during the last 30 years.
From 1990 till 2000, more than 14,2 million hectares of forests disappeared.
Of 2000 in 2012, 23 million hectares of forests were destroyed.
The deforestation affects all the rain forests, in particular in Amazonia, in Equatorial Africa and in South-East Asia.

The causes of the deforestation
The agricultural activity is the main cause: the plantations of palm trees with oil, the development of the cultures for the cattle industry, the mining of metals and precious minerals establish major causes of deforestation. There is also an urbanization, we dtruit forest to enlarge cities, make roads...
Finally, the extraction of the oil and the gas also plays it a role because vast areas of forest are regularly damaged by the drillings and the pose of pipelines, not to mention the regular flights of oil or the exploitation of bituminous sands...

The consequences of the deforestation
The loss of biodiversity
Forests accommodate more than 80 % of the ground biodiversity and represent one of the last refuges for very numerous animal and vegetable species. That is why, the deforestation is a disaster as well for the Man as for the other species because we consider that 27 000 animal and vegetable species disappear every year because of her.

The worsening of the diseases
Forests reduce the infectious diseases. The not perturbed rain forests can exercise a moderating effect on the diseases caused by insects and animals.
Example: 40 % of the world population lives in regions infested by the malaria. Yet, in the strongly deforested zones, the risk of having this disease is 300 times higher than in the zones of intact forest!

The decrease of the resource in water
Two thirds of the big cities of developing countries depend on forests for their drinking water supply.
The deforestation pulls the soil erosion and the mudding of streams, what reduces the access to the drinking water; at the same time in quality and in quantity.
Trees allow to shade and which is necessary to maintain the water on the ground.

The climate change
The deforestation participates strongly in greenhouse gas emissions, responsible for the current global warming.

The solution would thus be to fight against the deforestation by establishing laws. But also the by replacing old trees already almost cut with young trees.
The REED (reduction of broadcasts bound to the deforestation and to the degradation of forests) has for objective to keep and to protect forests but it should be set up only in 2020.




2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 7 févr. 2016

N'oublie pas de mettre des alinéas sinon c'est un bon travail. Et également, une introduction et une conclusion ( apparente ) 

Posté le 7 févr. 2016

L'introduction elle y est c'est le premier paragraphe, par contre pour la conclusion je ne savais pas quoi mettre du coup je n'en ai pas faites. Je vais essayé d'y réfléchir. Merci quand même. 

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