Correction rédaction en anglais

Publié le 30 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois écrire une rédaction pour expliquer pourquoi les gens des années 60 ont eu peur du film Psychose ?
Voici ma rédaction:

Psychose has scared people in the sixty because maybe the people had never seen a movie terrifying as Psychose . The music of the film carry away the suspense , the fear and the anguish throughout the film. There are many twists and turns , and plots in the film. The tension rises from the beginning of the movie , when Marion decided to take the $ 40 000 to run away and join her husband. All along the road, Marion seemed anxious , the police officer and the car salesman suspected her to having commited a crime or nothing else. When the music became stronger , the spectator became frightened because he thought that a grave scene ( murder , crime …) was going to take place. It ‘s also perhaps the fact that the film is in black and white which emphasize even more anxiety and fear. The characters made panic : Marion looked cold and mysterious throughout the film . Norman Bates , the landlord of the motel , was normally handicapped . He was very weird and very horrifying because he was the only person who kill owls to decorate his living room , this should perhaps frightened spectators.
I think the other scene that's scaring the spectator was the shower scene because at first , there was no music , everything seemed normal . Marion was taking his shower , and then suddenly , when no one expected , a shadow killed Marion by stabs .

Je voudrais juste que l'on me corrige mes fautes s'il y en a , merci

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

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7 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 30 oct. 2011
The Peoples has scared of Psychose in the sixty because maybe the people had never seen a movie terrifying as Psychose . The music of the film carry away the suspense , the fear and the anguish throughout the film. There are many twists and turns , and plots in the film. The tension rises from the beginning of the movie , when Marion decided to take the $ 40 000 to run away and join her husband. All along the road, Marion seemed anxious , the police officer and the car salesman suspected her to having commited a crime or nothing else. When the music became stronger , the spectator became frightened because he thought that a grave scene ( murder , crime …) was going to take place. It ‘s also perhaps the fact that the film is in black and white which emphasize even more anxiety and fear. The characters made panic : Marion looked cold and mysterious throughout the film . Norman Bates , the landlord of the motel , was normally handicapped . He was very weird and very horrifying because he was the only person who kill owls to decorate his living room , this should perhaps the frightened of spectators.
I think the other scene that scaring the spectator was the shower scene because at first , there was no music , everything seemed normal . Marion was taking his shower , and then suddenly , when no one expected , a shadow killed Marion by stabs .
Je pense que c'est la Bonne correction ;)
Posté le 1 nov. 2011
Corrigé par une billingue, voilà, j'ai changé quelques mots de vocabulaire. C'est bien de s'appliquer à mettre tes verbes au passé, mais pour certains verbes dans ta rédaction, le faire serait de les rendre faux. Dans le dernier paragraphe, des tournures sont fausses, tu verras bien les changements que j'ai fais.

Psychose scared people in the sixties because maybe the people had never seen a movie as terrifying as Psychose . The music of the film carries the suspense, the fear and the anguish throughout the film. There are many twists, turns and plots in the film. The tension rises from the beginning of the movie , when Marion decided to take the $ 40 000 to run away and join her husband. All along the road, Marion seemed anxious , the police officer and the car salesman suspected her to having commited a crime or nothing else (← ça veut dire quoi?). When the music becomes louder , the spectator became frightened because he thought that a scary scene ( murder , crime …) was going to take place. It's also perhaps the fact that the film is in black and white which emphasize the anxiety and fear. The characters amplify panic : Marion looks cold and mysterious throughout the film . Norman Bates , the landlord of the motel , was normally handicapped . He was very weird and very horrifying because he was the only person who kill owls to decorate his living room , this would perhaps frightened spectators.
I think an other scene that's scared the spectator was the shower scene because at first , there was no music , everything seems normal . Marion was taking his shower , and then suddenly , when no one expects it, a shadow stabs Marion .
Posté le 1 nov. 2011
Corrigé par une billingue, voilà, j'ai changé quelques mots de vocabulaire. C'est bien de s'appliquer à mettre tes verbes au passé, mais pour certains verbes dans ta rédaction, le faire serait de les rendre faux. Dans le dernier paragraphe, des tournures sont fausses, tu verras bien les changements que j'ai fais.

Psychose scared people in the sixties because maybe the people had never seen a movie as terrifying as Psychose . The music of the film carries the suspense, the fear and the anguish throughout the film. There are many twists, turns and plots in the film. The tension rises from the beginning of the movie , when Marion decided to take the $ 40 000 to run away and join her husband. All along the road, Marion seemed anxious , the police officer and the car salesman suspected her to having commited a crime or nothing else (← ça veut dire quoi?). When the music becomes louder , the spectator became frightened because he thought that a scary scene ( murder , crime …) was going to take place. It's also perhaps the fact that the film is in black and white which emphasize the anxiety and fear. The characters amplify panic : Marion looks cold and mysterious throughout the film . Norman Bates , the landlord of the motel , was normally handicapped . He was very weird and very horrifying because he was the only person who kill owls to decorate his living room , this would perhaps frightened spectators.
I think an other scene that's scared the spectator was the shower scene because at first , there was no music , everything seems normal . Marion was taking his shower , and then suddenly , when no one expects it, a shadow stabs Marion .
Posté le 2 nov. 2011
Merci de m'avoir aidée , la phrase que tu comprends pas veut dire que le policier et le vendeur de voitures la soupçonnait d'avoir commis un crime ou quelque chose du genre ( j'arrivais pas à la traduire , je savais qu'elle était fausse :x )
Posté le 2 nov. 2011
Et aussi est-ce que tu pourrais me donner d'autres phrases en plus ou développer un peu plus d'autres phrases parce qu'en fait ma rédaction faut qu'elle fasse 200 mots et j'en ai que 126 la
Posté le 2 nov. 2011
"All along the road, Marion seemed anxious , the police officer and the car salesman suspected her to having commited a crime or nothing else."
Attends, je te traduit ta phrase, que tu comprennes l'erreur :
"Sur la route, Marion avait l'air anxieuse, le policier et le vendeur de voiture soupçonnait qu'elle avait commis un crime ou rien d'autre."
Déjà, "to having", c'est faux. Ce qu'il te faut là c'est "of having".
"commited a crime or nothing else." devient "Commited a crime or something like that.", cette traduction c'est carrément du mot à mot français donc très simple : something/quelque chose, like/comme, that/ça.

Pour ta demande d'autres phrases, je suis désolée, faut que tu bosses ta rédaction seule. :) Tu pourrais étoffer un peu, parler d'autres scènes, des gens de l'époque très scandalisé par ce type de film, ou faire opposition entre ce film là et des films d'aujourd'hui. Je dis ça, mais après je ne sais pas ta consigne. Bonne Chance :)
Posté le 3 nov. 2011
Ok , merci beaucoup :)

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