Devoir maison anglais

Publié le 9 mai 2014 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 12 mai 2014 dans 10A

Sujet du devoir

You are a female politician. Deliver a speech explaining what you would like to change in the world / today's society.

Use : - I would like, I wish, I dream of

Il faudrait faire un discours sur l'inégalité salariale entre homme et femme.


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Il faut que cela dure environ 2 minutes à l'oral !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 9 mai 2014

Tu peux commencer par dire, Today in the world, there are many unfair matters towards the different salaries that men and women receive, men tend to receive more than females, even when they do the same job. I wish that in today's society, that men and women could receive equal amounts of money and for there not to be any difference..


Posté le 9 mai 2014

bonsoir tchou ce site demande aussi un devoir obligatoire fait par celui qui poste le devoir or chez toi ce n' est pas le cas !

je te propose des idée en anglais et a toi de sélectionner ce qui te conviens

If i am president i would like to give more money for schools to have better matrial equiped

I would like womens and the men(people) are equal, and no descrimination in our country 

i would like womens get the same salaries than men

i would like to avoid spoilling everything and try plantin bio food 

i would like to stop the consumption or to limit because after using a electronic gadjet we send in poor country as if it was a rubbish been 

i would like to limit strikers because in the others countries poeple are less carper 


voila essaie de faire et je te corrige 

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