Dialogue en anglais

Publié le 27 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Imaginez une conversation entre deux personnes.

[ J'ai décider de construire mon projet en faisant un dialogue entre ces deux filles se racontant leur voyage pendant les vacances ]
[ Ceci dit je n'ai pas tout à fait terminer, je tient à ce que vous me corrigiez s'il vous plait. Merci. ]

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Pamela and Sara discuss their computer.

P: Hi, how are you?

S: Cuckoo, I'm fine and you?

P: Very well thank you. Your family too?

S: Yes and yours?

P: Yeah. Otherwise, and your holiday, where you went this year?

S: In New York, it was great !

P: Unbelievable ! Tell me !

S: Well, I went the 8th August and I came back the 15th August. Two week dream's. I visiting the Brookling pont's, the Statue of Liberty, the place of wall street bull, the Coney Island, of course New York City, Oh my goodness It's very beautiful; I visiting the archeology museum, Central park ,the Empire State Building and the twins tower.

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 27 oct. 2011
Pamela and Sara are talking about their computer

P: Hi Sara, how are you?

S: , I'm fine and you?

P: Very well thank you. And how is your family?

S: fine and yours?

P: fine too. Where did you go on vacation this year?

S: I went to New York, it was great !

P: Unbelievable ! Tell me more about your trip!

S: Well, I left the 8th of August and I came back on the 15th of August. Two week dream's. I visited the Brooklin bridge, the Statue of Liberty, the place of wall street bull, the Coney Island, of course New York City, Oh my goodness It's very beautiful; I also visited the American Museum of Natural History, Central park ,the Empire State Building and the twin towers (euh elles n'existent plus depuis le 11 septembre 2001)

Posté le 28 oct. 2011
Merci beaucoup :)
Posté le 28 oct. 2011
Ils sont en train de les reconstruire en fait, c'est vrai j'aurais dût mettre "the new twin towers"
Posté le 28 oct. 2011
juste une petite correction

two weeks' dream
Posté le 28 oct. 2011
D'accord merci bien

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