entrepreneur en anglais

Publié le 13 nov. 2014 il y a 9A par Rangith - Fin › 16 nov. 2014 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

il faut parler pendant 4 minutes en anglais d'un entrepreneur sur le sitehttp://www.retireat21.com/blog/top-20-young-internet-entrepreneurs-under-21


il faut parler du blog et de l'entrepreneur

pourquoi ce site est un succès 

si ce site change la vie des personnes

pourquoi on l'a choisie

donc pouvez vous voir si c'est correct et si il y'a des choses a modifier. ce que j'ai fait ne fait pas 4 minutes donc pouvez vous me donner quelques phrases que je pourrais dire. et j'ai besoin d'idée pour faire un powerpoint sur ça.

merci ;

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

we chose to talk about Liam Goodwin and and his blog. Liam Goodwin is a young english entrepreneur. He was a teenager when he founded his first blog named Filmonic in september 2007. Filmonic is equivalent to Allociné because the main topics of this site is to see release dates, trailers, news and reviews about many movies from around the world. This site became quickly popular in England and receives among 200,000 views per month. Each week this blog is updated to discuss about new movies. With just this first blog, he earns around $ 3,000 a month, so 2500 euros.After that he also invented 4 other websites like tech crunch and problogger.So Liam Goodwin is a great young entrepreneur.
the foundation of this site does not change people's live but he allows you to enjoy the resources, reviews which include their interpreters and favorite artists. We chose to talk about Liam Goodwin and his blog because first we love all which makes a reference to the cinema and before going to see a movie we go at kind of sites and watch the trailer and critics of the movie to know if the movie is good or not


10 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 13 nov. 2014

Je te corrige: 

we (si tu es tout seul je pense que ce serait plutôt I) choose to talk about Liam Goodwin and and (tu l'as mis 2X) his blog. Liam Goodwin is a young english entrepreneur. He was a (a n'est pas obligatoire) teenager when he founded his first blog named Filmonic in september 2007. Filmonic is equivalent to Allociné because the main topics of this site is (are parce que tu as mis main topics au pluriel) to see (pas de see) release dates, trailers, news and reviews about many movies (films si tu parles en anglais britanique) from around the world. This site became quickly popular in England and receives among 200,000 views per month. Each week this (plutot the) blog is updated to discuss about new movies (ou films). With just this first blog, he earns around $ 3,000 a month, so (tu peux rajouter about si tu veux) 2500 euros.After that he also invented (plutot created) 4 other websites like tech crunch and problogger.So Liam Goodwin is a great young entrepreneur (à la place de dire ça je dirai: With all those websites, Liam Goodwin is quite rich and has a great futur in frount of him).
the foundation of this site does not change people's live but he allows you to enjoy the resources, reviews which include their interpreters and favorite (ou known) artists. We chose to talk about Liam Goodwin and his blog because first we love all (dans ce cas on dirait everything) which makes a reference to the cinema and before going to see a movie (ou film)we go at kind of sites (je comprends pas ce que tu veux dire...) and watch the trailer and critics of the movie to know if the movie (ou it) is good or not

Dans ton dernier paragraphe tu as mis nous à chaque fois je sais pas trop si c'était vraiment ce que tu voulais dire, Parles-tu de toi ou de ''vous"...? 

Posté le 13 nov. 2014

on est 2

Posté le 13 nov. 2014

*a great future in front of him (erreur de frappe)

*before going to see a movie, people like going online on that kind of websites to watch trailers and read reviews to know if the movie is good or not.

Si tu veux en dire plus, tu pourrais choisir un film, et montrer ce que le site a à propos de ce film. Tu peux faire quelques captures d'écran et les mettre sur ton Powerpoint. 

Posté le 13 nov. 2014


Posté le 13 nov. 2014


Posté le 13 nov. 2014


Posté le 13 nov. 2014


Posté le 13 nov. 2014


Posté le 13 nov. 2014


Posté le 13 nov. 2014


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