Faire un portrait physique et Moral de soie même.

Publié le 2 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 oct. 2011 dans 12A
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Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous ,
Ma prof d'anglais nous à donner le sujet suivant :
faire notre portrait à notre correspondant car la webcam ne marche pas.
sur le portrait faut faire une description Moral et Physique, ajouté des comparaisons ect...
l'Oral doit durer maxi 5min.
Personnellement je suis nul en Anglais.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

So i'm very good looking , with short straight haired and big dark brown eyed. I'm of average height, about 1m70.
I am quite thin, I'm 50 kg.

My face is smooth, It is oval and i'm sun-tanned.
I have a thick lips and I have smiling mouth.
I have small cheek bones and chin pointed a bit.
I'm weel-built and even broad shouldered .
I have very fine hands and legs fairly muscular .

I am a laid back person, sometimes stubborn, especially when someone asks me to do something that I do not want to do.
I am not two-faced but I am sometimes especially talkative with my friends. I am the person most talkative of my family.
I'm a little more intelligent than my older brother. I am often clumsy and forgetful. I'm a little worker, usually when it's something I like.

my friends love me for my generosity, my loyalty and my friendliness.

I have many defects, for example I'm too curious or too naive sometimes.

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 2 oct. 2011
So i'm very good looking , with short straight hair
and big dark brown eyes. I'm of average height, about 1m70. 5ft6
I am quite thin, I'm 50 kg so 22.7 pounds

My face is smooth tu veux plutôt dire "I have fine features", It is oval and i'm sun-tanned.
I have thick lips and I have a smiling mouth.
I have small cheek bones and a chin pointing upwards.
I'm well-built and even broad shouldered .
I have very fine hands and my legs are evenly muscular .

I am a laid back person, but I can sometimes be stubborn, especially when someone asks me to do something that I do not want to do.
I am not hypocryt but I can sometimes be talkative notably with my friends. I am the most talkative person of my family.
I'm a little more intelligent than my older brother. I am often clumsy and forgetful. I am a little hardworking, usually when it's something I like.

my friends love me for my generosity, loyalty and my friendliness.

I have many defects, for example I'm too curious or too naive sometimes.
Posté le 2 oct. 2011
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide , mais je voulais aussi rajouter quelque comparaison , mais je ne sais pas ou les mètres ou par rapport à quoi comparer.
Si tu as des idées , merci de m'en faire part

cordialement freack.
Posté le 2 oct. 2011

Pour faire un portrait de soi on commence toujours par l'aspect général (silhouette) avant de passer au particulier, dans un ordre précis, de la tête en descendant jusqu'aux pieds.

Ce que tu as écrit est déjà bien. J'ai apporté quelques corrections (en majuscules).
Attention à éviter les répétitions cependant. Je t'ai proposé quelques solutions ci-dessous. Bon courage !

I AM good looking , with short straight hair and big dark brown EYES. I am of average height, about 1m70.
I am quite thin, I AM 50 kg.

My face is smooth, It is oval and I (« I » PREND TOUJOURS UNE MAJUSCULE) am sun-tanned.
MY LIPS ARE THICK and I have a smiling mouth.
I have small cheek bones and chin pointed a LITTLE bit.
I AM WELL-BUILT and even broad SHOULDERS .
MY HANDS ARE very fine and MY legs ARE QUITE muscular .

I am a laid back person, sometimes stubborn, especially when someone asks me to do something that I do not want to do.
I am not two-faced but I am sometimes especially talkative with my friends. I am the MOST TALKATIVE person of my family.
I AM a little more intelligent than my older brother. I am often clumsy and forgetful. I'm a little worker, usually when it IS something I like.

MY friends APPRECIATE my generosity, my loyalty and my friendliness.

I have many FAILINGS, for example I AM too curious or too naive sometimes.

Posté le 2 oct. 2011
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide , mais je voulais savoir comment je pourrai rajouter quelque comparaison , car ma prof souhaite qu'on rajoute quelque comparaison, mais le problème c'est que je n'ai aucune idée de quoi comparer par rapport à quoi.
Posté le 2 oct. 2011
En fait c'est pas defect, c'est fault qu'il faut mettre
Donc tu mets I have some faults like being too curious or naive at times.
Je ne comprends pas le lien entre être double face et bavard.

Sinon pour les comparaisons, tu les places après muscular.

I am as tall as my friend X
I am as nice as my brother.
I am as thin as my classmate ....

Posté le 2 oct. 2011
Merci beaucoup , ton aide m'a beaucoup aider.
en fait je voulais dire " two-faced " pour hypocrite mais bon je pense que ça doit pas être le bon mot.
Puis pour les comparaisons merci aussi , ça m'aide à enrichir mon exposé.

Cordialement Freack.

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