je dois faire un resumé de mes notes

Publié le 26 sept. 2015 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 29 sept. 2015 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, je lundi dernier une assistante anglaise est venue dans ma classe d'anglais Euro. La prof nous a donc demander de prendre dec notes sur elle. le devoir est donc de: Rédiger à partir de vos notes un texte qui décris l'intervenante. Ce texte fera au moins 200 mots et vous le présenterai a l'oral.


Je pense avoir fini mais jai peur qu'il y ai des fautes et/ou des défauts de formulations.


vous trouverez ci-dessous ce que j'ai fais. En espérant vous avoir assez aiguiller merci par avance pour tout aide merci 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

She name is Tia and her family name is Sharp. She is 23 years old. She come from of the United States of America, in North of America in Montana, his situated at the north of Montana. The capital of the United States is Washington D.C. Washington is situated on coastline east of the United States.

She was born in Nevada on Carson City. She has got 1 sister. Her name is Terra and she is 20 years old. she has got bland long hair and the blue eyes. She is slim and not tall.

She is an English assistant. She studied at the university of Montana.

She has got 2 dogs. Their name is Paz and Cruz. Their names are Spanish but they didn’t Spanish origin. Her nanny lives in Italy.

She likes reggae, rap and alternative. She likes soccer and more particular the woman’s Nation team of the United states.

Her series prefer is modern family, Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars and How I met your mother. She likes the Thai food.

Them prefer region in the United states is state of Washington.  

She came from one week ago and until in June. It’s the first trip in France.

6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 sept. 2015

Je te mets en gras là ou j'ai remarquer des erreurs (grammaticale ou formulation). Je te laisse le plaisir de les corrigée toi-même


She name is Tia and her family name is Sharp. She is 23 years old. She come from of the United States of America, in North of America in Montana, his situated at the north of Montana. The capital of the United States is Washington D.C. Washington is situated on coastline east of the United States.

She was born in Nevada on Carson City. She has got 1 sister. Her name is Terra and she is 20 years old. she has got bland long hair and the blue eyes. She is slim and not tall.

She is an English assistant. She studied at the university of Montana.

She has got 2 dogs. Their name is Paz and Cruz. Their names are Spanish but they didn’t Spanish origin. Her nanny lives in Italy.

She likes reggae, rap and alternative. She likes soccer and more particular the woman’s Nation team of the United states.

Her series prefer is modern family, Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars and How I met your mother. She likes the Thai food.

Them prefer region in the United states is state of Washington.  

She came from one week ago and until in June. It’s the first trip in France.



Posté le 26 sept. 2015

merci beaucoup, j'ai compris mes fautes merci beaucoup.


Posté le 26 sept. 2015

Je ne suis pas assez forte en anglais, mais je peux déjà te signaler quelques erreurs:

It’s the ( son) first trip in France.

She ( son) name is Tia

his situated at the north of Montana.

Her name is Terra ( ou Tia?)

Them prefer region in the United

Posté le 26 sept. 2015

 merci  pour votre reponse

Terra c'est sa soeur 

merci beaucoup pour votre aide


Posté le 26 sept. 2015

Salut, nous ne sommes pas sensé donné de réponses complètes ici, je me permet une donc seulement correction partielle, cependant :

  1. Je ne corrigerai pas toutes les fautes, certaines seront en gras et italique (et j'indiquerai une aide entre parenthèse
  2. compare ma correction avec celle de quelqu'un d'autre pour être sûr


She (regarde un peu plus loin) name is Tia and her family name is Sharp. She is 23 years old. She come from of the (on ne met pas d'article devant un nom propre) United States of America, in North of America in Montana, his situated at the north of Montana. The capital of the United States is Washington D.C. Washington is situated on coastline east of the United States.

She was born in Nevada on Carson City. She has got 1 sister. (pourquoi au passé ? Elle est morte ??) Her name is Terra and she is 20 years old (apparemment non elle n'est pas morte, donc la première phrase est au présent). she has got bland  long hair and the (inutile) blue eyes. She is slim and not tall. (d'accord, on a une description de la sœur car elle en a parlé oralement, mais si on veut être logique, il faudrait aussi décrire la principale intéressée)

She is an English assistant. She studied at the university of Montana.

She has got 2 dogs (toujours la même remarque, pourquoi au passé ?). Their name is Paz and Cruz. Their names are Spanish but they didn’t Spanish origin (si l'on traduit ça fait "Ils ne font pas d'origines espagnol"). Her nanny lives in Italy (est-ce vraiment important ?).

She likes reggae, rap and alternative. She likes soccer and more particular the woman’s Nation team of the (pas d'article, juste of) United states.

Her series prefered (je suis gentil, je l'ajoute directement) is (is c'est pour le singulier, or il y a plusieurs séries) modern family, Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars and How I met your mother. She likes the Thai food.

Them prefered region  

She came from one week ago and until in June (la formulation correcte est "She came one week ago and come back in USA in next june"). It’s the (son premier voyage, pas LE premier voyage) first trip in France.



Posté le 26 sept. 2015


T'as mis "résolu" mais y'a encore beaucoup de fautes non corrigées par ceux qui t'ont aidé.

Exemple: She come from (tout au début) ... she comeS from

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