Correction de texte en Anglais

Publié le 26 oct. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 nov. 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous,
J'ai besoin de votre aide pour effectuer la correction de ce texte.
Pouvez vous m'aider à trouver mes erreurs afin que je puisse les corriger ?
J'aimerai aussi, afin d'améliorer mon anglais, que vous me disiez s'il est possible de remplacer certains mots trop "fréquents" pour étayer mon vocabulaire ?

Je vous remercie d'avance pour vos réponses.

Meeting teenagers
Youth Judicial Protection Service

I have worked as part of a team as a versatile several times.
Our objective in this project was to develop a programme for juvenile delinquents to educate them and with regard to taking responsibility for their own behaviour.
It’s a project very complicated to make succeed because for its realization it was necessary to enter on the center of judicial protection of the youth which is a very secure place and especially closed to the public, to be so able to meet these young people. Our motivation allowed us to make a success.
For to combat crime and delinquency which can begin very early at certain minor, and make sensitive them, we decided to organize a day in the ice rink of Grenoble and an exit to the restaurant.
The young delinquents who are present in these centers need to find a balance between a need for support and a need for autonomy thus we thought that the fact of spending time outside of the center and with other people would be extremely beneficial to them.

We also wish to welcome the young people to propose them various activities but in an objective of reintegration and professionalization.

To succeed in the outcome of our project, we got in touch with numerous very important people in this sector and obtained numerous partnerships.

During the beginning of our project, we dealt with various difficulties due to the failures met to obtain a partnership.
Indeed the environment of the juvenile delinquency is a middle very closed and very complicated to integrate or to join. Furthermore, our youth and our lack of experience in this domain entailed a strong reluctance on behalf of the persons in charge of the centers that we contacted.

Consequently, we needed several months to strengthen finally our project and have a solid bases to begin the activities which we had planned to realize with the young delinquents.
This insertion was very difficult but we managed to organize a meeting with three young offenders, we were so able to learn to know them and to converse with them.

Following this meeting it was necessary to us to organize the activities which we had planned to realize. To be able to realize these activities, it was necessary to us to collect funds.

For that purpose, we decided to go to the ice rink and to ask them if they accepted that we go on tracks on Wednesday and Thursdays to sell cake stores and so collect some money to be able to offer to the young offenders one day in the same ice rink and also the exit to the restaurant.
We have them well on explained that the money that we go collected for these two days will be put back to them during our day for the rent of tracks.

We were extremely satisfied with their agreement, this agreement was for us a real success.

Furthermore, we were able to obtain an access favored to tracks and so to obtain a private track so that we are only the young delinquents and ourselves to skate.

This exit really bound our friendships.

We made group to the ice rink of Grenoble what allowed us to learn to know them more and especially to interest us in what he thought of the juvenile delinquency and the centers which welcome them.

I think that this exit was very enriching for them as for us given that we conversed for a long time together.

Following this exit in the ice rink which bound our friendship, we went all together, the members of our group of project tutored as well as the young people and their educators to the restaurant.

During this exit to the restaurant we especially had numerous conversations on numerous subjects with the educators of the young delinquents who learnt a lot us on them as well as on their job

This exit pleased a lot us. It is an incredible and very enriching experiment.

I can say that for all the members of our group this project brought us many things both on the school plan and the human being.

This project is for us a lesson of life in particular thanks to the exchanges with the educators and the young people making us open eyes on the realities of the life.
The realization of our project is long and sometimes complicated but the main part is that we managed to lead him, to his term in good conditions.
The implementation of our project allowed us to look for numerous partnerships, to double efforts in spite of some failures and refusal but especially to manage a project of group on an important duration.
The most important are to say that the project ended in a great success for us, indeed we are very proud of the action which we realized together.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai tout écris moi même. Je souhaiterai que vous m'aidiez à corriger les erreurs que j'ai pu faire et aussi que vous m'aidiez à étayer mon vocabulaire en remplaçant quelques mots trop "fréquents" par des mots plus complexes.

Je vous remercie d'avance pour toutes les réponses que vous pourriez m'apporter.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 26 oct. 2016

" During this exit to the restaurant we especially had numerous conversations on numerous subjects with the educators of the young delinquents who learnt a lot us on them as well as on their job "

A mon avis, mettre 2 fois le mot '' numerous " dans une même phrase, cela fait trop répétitif. A toi de voir si tu veut remplacer cela, et si oui par quel mot.

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