devoir 4 cned de 3eme

Publié le 22 mars 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 29 mars 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

l'enquete sur jack l'eventreur tu le sais n'a jamais abouti. mais il a bien fallu clore le dossier
pour clore l'enquete,l'inspecteur aberline doit faire un rapport complet qui reprend l'essentiel des elements du dossier
-quant et comment les victimes ont ete retrouver
-siles corp on été examinés et par qui
-si des temoignage ont fait avencer l'enquete
-ce quon l'on sait du meurtrier
-quels suspects ont ete interogés...
revois tous les elements du dossier avent de te lancer ton raporcomportera o moin dix lignes

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

police report
criminal investigation
inspector abline,scotland yard

voila l'anglais j'y arive pa je ne compren rien parceque je n'arive pas a parler..

12 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 22 mars 2011
I had read this morning an artical il the newspaper and I want to inform you that it is ...... pour l'intro un truc tout simple quoi
Posté le 22 mars 2011
aah excuse moi je me suis trompé
Posté le 22 mars 2011
regarde je crois que j'ai trouver une reponse elle est un peu long mai je crois que ces sa:
"Jack the Ripper’s victims bodies were examined by Dr. George Bagster PHILLIPS.

There were seven suspects interrogated by the British police, their names were
Prince Albert Victor of Galls, was a member of the British Royal Family, the doctor and surgeon Sir William Gull, the painter and the artist Walter Sickert, James Maybrick, Sir Leslie Melville Macnaghten, was Assistant Commissioner (Crime) of the London Metropolitan Police, Francis J. Tumblety who was a doctor, and Wentworth Bell Smith who was a Canadian doctor.

The testimonies, there were the official police reports but also the "visions" of extra-lucids for which the authorities have never admitted to have given credit but about which we know today that they enlarged considerably the investigation file. So the answer would be that the testimonies didn’t help the reports because nobody knew much about him, they all said the same things.

-Mary Ann NICHOLS was found dead with her throat cut, and having an abdominal mutilation on Friday the 31st of August 1888.

-Annie CHAPMAN was found dead with her throat cut, having an abdominal mutilation and uterus taken away on Saturday the 8th of September 1888.

-Elizabeth STRIDE was found dead with her throat cut, but with no abdominal mutilation on Sunday the 30th of September 1888.

-Catherine EDDOWES was found dead with her throat cut, having an abdominal mutilation, uterus and left kidney taken away on Sunday the 30th of September 1888.

-Mary Jane KELLY was found dead with her throat cut, having severe mutilation and abdominal mutilation as well as her heart was taken away on Friday the 9th of November 1888.

"Jack the Ripper" is the best-known name given to an unidentified serial killer who was active in the largely impoverished areas in and around the Whitechapel district of London between August and November 1888. He is also known as "The Whitechapel Murderer" and "Leather Apron". We attribute him 5 murders during this interval.
He suddenly stopped his activities after these murders and never did it again (or at least, no other body carrying his murdering methods was discovered). The identity of the murderer was never discovered."
Posté le 22 mars 2011
two victims were founded in weatchapel (si ça s'ecrit comme ça ) both were murdred with the same weapon the research of doctor....... show thar the murder was left-handed

voilà a quoi doit ressembler ton travail
Posté le 22 mars 2011
magafan a fait du bon travail
Posté le 22 mars 2011
alor euuuh ces juste ce que j'ai ecris ?
Posté le 22 mars 2011
aah c'est toi magafan je n'ai pas la tete sur les épaules aujourd'hui
Posté le 22 mars 2011
je compren plus rien la
Posté le 22 mars 2011
mais ce que je pense c'est que tu dois commencé par présenter ce que tu as trouvé sur la scène de crime va par ordre chronologique de l'histoire puis tu fais tes exam et ensuite tu interroge les witness et puis tu donne ton rapport tes soupons par rapport aux réponses des interrogations
Posté le 22 mars 2011
alors ces faut ce que j'ai ecris ?
Posté le 22 mars 2011
non pas du tout mais range le si tu veux (comme je te l'ai conseillé)mais il est super bien fait
Posté le 22 mars 2011
merci ouuuf c bon je peu finir le devoir alor

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