Expression Ecrite sur Shakira : Corriger mes fautes

Publié le 23 déc. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 déc. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous,

J'aimerais qu'on puisse corriger mes fautes s'il vous plait, si j'en ai fais dans l'expression écrite ci-dessous :

My dear Marc,

wrote you this letter, to tell you what I have made yesterday. I went to a concert of Shakira with my friends in London. First of all when Shakira has gone on the stage, I was moved, touched, I wanted to cry, my eyes filled with tears, my dream come true gradually see Shakira. And when she began to sing “waka waka”, I thought that this song was about my life, I felt nostalgic. Now it was "If you go" I started singing with her. I started dancing. After the big moment arrived, she said "You want dance Belgium" and she started to dance, in this moment I was in paradise. After the end of "Illegal" the room had become quite black. Shakira appeared with a rope and puts on a show which has killed everyone. Then she started singing "Whenever Wherever". If you would have been with me, you would have felt a big enjoyment. Shakira is out with a pink scarf, she did a dance which has shocked
everyone. Finally, I tried to see Shakira, but she’s ignored me. Today I seem to lack, I’m sad, I want see Shakira, she is my life, my dream. Give my love to the rest of the family.
Much love, as always

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Merci à tous et bonne soirée

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 23 déc. 2010
my dream comes true ; non?
If you would have been with me, you would have felt a big enjoyment. Tu as voulu dire : Si tu avais été avec moi ; Tu aurais .. ?
I want TO see Shakira

Posté le 23 déc. 2010
merci pour ta correction, il n'y a pas d'autres fautes ?
Posté le 23 déc. 2010
Bonjour Karimdu13,

Voici la correction de ton texte:

"My dear Marc,

I wrote you this letter, to tell you what I have made yesterday. I went to a concert of Shakira with my friends in London. First of all when Shakira went on the stage, I was moved, touched, I wanted to cry, my eyes filled with tears, my dream came true gradually saw Shakira. And when she began to sing “Waka Waka”, I thought that this song was about my life, I felt nostalgic. Now it was "If you go" I started singing with her. I started dancing. After the big moment arrived, she said "You want to dance Belgium" and she started to dance, in this moment I was in paradise. After the end of "Illegal" the room had become quite black. Shakira appeared with a rope and puts on a show which had killed everyone. Then she started singing "Whenever Wherever". If you would have been with me, you would have felt a big enjoyment. Shakira went out with a pink scarf, she did a dance which had shocked everyone. Finally, I tried to see Shakira, but she ignored me. Today I seem to lack, I’m sad, I want to see Shakira, she is my life, my dream. Give my love to the rest of the family.
Much love, as always."


Benjamin CNED 3ème
Posté le 23 déc. 2010
merci beaucoup pour ta correction, mais es-tu certain qu'il n'y a pas d'autres fautes, mise à part celle qui m'ont été corrigé pas Lorra

Posté le 24 déc. 2010
Bonjours Karimdu13

Je ne pense pas qu'on dit "Shakira has gone on the stage" mais "Shakira went on the stage".
Ensuite je ne voie pas d'autres fautes ( Je peux toujours ne tromper)
Au sinon , je trouve ton texte bien construit.
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