Orale d'anglais : Summer holidays.

Publié le 28 sept. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 1 oct. 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

bonjour, je dois faire une évaluation orale en anglais

  • le sujet de l’éval : You'll have to talk about summer holidays. Terrific or horrible ? Pick up a paper and you'll discover it ! You'll have to use 2 insistance forms and two negative sentences or more. Be prepared to answer questions from the teacher.

je ne sais pas quoi faire.

Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je n'ai pour l'instant rien fais mais si quelqu'un pouvait me donner des exemples de phrases en anglais.

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 28 sept. 2016

Pour les vacances super
It was so good! I really must to tell you about my holidays. It was really exciting!

Perfect dream holidays really!
Pour les vacances horribles
It was the summer from hell! It was the worst holiday ever!

Posté le 28 sept. 2016

Merci Althe ça m'aide beaucoup !

J'ai pu trouver pour les vacances super :

It was so good! I really must to tell you about my holidays. It was really exciting!
Perfect dream holidays really!

I went to California with my family last holidays, It was so good. One day, I went with my brother on the beach, I really like went in there because i'm relax on the beach ! I went also in England, I stay there 1 week. I went to Dublin with my brother, my mother, my daddy for visit my uncle, he live in to Dublin.

Peut-tu me dire si c'est bien ? Merci

Posté le 28 sept. 2016

hey , this hollydays were a nightmare .

i spend two monts at my grand'ma house which was so boring !!!She even lives in a world without television or internet ! Can you imagine

onde day , she decided to go to the Library , where a strange man welcomed us

he was scarry ,he looked like a vampire

i spend , my "hollydays" to know his identity



tu pourrais faire un truc comme sa un peu efrayant ..;

Posté le 29 sept. 2016

Pour des vacances excellentes:

It's great! amasing! exciting!

tu peux ajouter des adverbes: really, so

It was the best holydays of my life


Pour le négatif:

It was the worst summer of my life§

It was a nightmare

I was feeling so bad



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