Texte anglais coriger moi SVPPPPP!!!!merci!!

Publié le 3 juin 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 6 juin 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Do you think parents should let their children choose and buy the clothes they like?Give your opinion.

Je dois faire au moins 100 mots !
"Pensez-vous que les parents devraient laisser leurs enfants choisir et acheter les vêtements qu'ils aiment?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The parents can let their children choose the clothes wich they like,yes and no because certain clothes are not suited to the teenagers as the minikirsts,the mini-pairs of shorts the top cut out the neck etc,but all this depends on the parent education to their children.Certain parents do not show the example to be followed because their clothing holding speaks about the same.As regards the purchase of clothes it depends on the way (gerer je sais pas comment on dit)the money we give to our child.If he is attracted by a nike jacket wich costs 99 euros ,he has only for allowance 100euros,he wants him absolutely and spends without thinking finally he can buy nothing more.
That is why,I think that the parents have a big role to play to their children dices the age of the adolescence.

12 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 juin 2010
some clothes are not suited.Parents don't show the example...the way they hold clothes speaks about their way of life..the purchase of clothes depends on the way we choose to give a lot of money or not to our children.If our child is attracted by a Nike jacket (sinon c'est nice,à vous de voir) which costs 99 euros,and he's got only 100 euros,he's going to buy it,because he wants it absolutely,thinking finally that he can't buy anything more.That's why I think parents have an important place to take during the deases of their child's youth.
Posté le 3 juin 2010

tu utilises beaucoup la syntaxe française ce qui ne convient pas vraiment...

Parents can let their children choose the clothes they like. Yes and no, because some clothes are not suited to the teenagers like miniskirts, mini shorts, tops cut to low etc, but all this depends on the parent education to their children. Some parents do not show the right example because their own clothing speaks about their way of life. Concerning the purchase of clothes, it depends on the way parents manage the money they give to their child. If he is attracted by a Nike jacket which costs 99 euros, but having only 100 euros for allowance, since he absolutely wants it he will buy it and thus spending all of his money on it without thinking that he can buy nothing more.
That's why, I think that parents have a big role to play to their children (dices)? the age of the adolescence.

dice = dé

que veux-tu dire dans ta dernière phrase?

tu en es à environ 140 mots
Posté le 3 juin 2010
pardon pour le retard pour la derniére phrase je voulais dire les parents ont un grand rôle à jouer envers leurs enfants dés l'age de l'adolescence.
Posté le 3 juin 2010
Merci zalacain de m'avoir aidée c'est sympa.
Posté le 3 juin 2010
Est-ce-que mon texte correspond au sujet ou il faut que j'ajoute encore des phrases?
Posté le 3 juin 2010
Est-ce-que mon texte correspond au sujet ou il manque encore des phrases?
Posté le 3 juin 2010
t'es au college marie curie?
a Troyes car j'ai le meme devoir :)
Posté le 3 juin 2010
non je suis au cned.
Posté le 3 juin 2010
Hello there!
On the one hand, I agree : yes, parents can let their children choose the clothes they'd like/they want to wear. But on the other hand, they can't just let them do ALL that they want because some clothes are not suited for teenagers, such as miniskirts, for example.
However, it all depends on the education parents intend to give their children.
Some parents do not show the example since the way they dress is just as inappropriate as their children's.
As to the buying of clothes, it is closely linked to the amount of money you want to spend on it.
If a teenager feels like buying a nice but expensive jacket that costs up to 99 Euros, and he or she has only 100 Euros to spend, but he/she is absolutely dying for it, then he/she will buy it nevertheless... So that, in the end, he or she won't be able to buy anything else!
That is why I think (that) parents have a major role to play for their children as early as childhood/adolescence.
Bye for now.
Posté le 4 juin 2010
le texte de Iamjofr est excellent mais loin des capacités d'un élève de 3ème français. A la correction, cela se verrait que ce texte n'est pas de toi.

dernière phrase:
That's why, I think that parents have a big role to play for their children from teenage years.

au début tu dis "yes and no" et finalement tu développes surtout le "no".
il faudrait faire quelques ligne sur "yes"
=> ils ont le droit de porter les vêtements à leur goût

le texte doit se composer de:
- une phrase d'intro pour situer le sujet; ok
- un passage pour "yes"; à faire
- un passage pour "no"; ok
- un bilan en 1 phrase pour conclure; ok

ces 4 éléments doivent être reliés entre eux par des mots de liaison.
Posté le 4 juin 2010
d'accord merciii!
Posté le 4 juin 2010
merciiiiiiiiii iamjofr!!!

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