
Publié le 28 avr. 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 avr. 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Pouvez vous me corriger ce texte et dialogue comme vous l'avez surement remarquer il est en ANGLAIS mais certains passage son en francais il faut les mette en anglais et corriger le texte qui doit être au passer : il doit y avoir du preterit en be +ing et (du passer avec ed en terminaison)merci

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

In CALIFORNI a man named jack was lived with his wife sucy in a house . After dinner Sucy was reading a magazine . Jack was looking the tv.wHEN she felt the buler.Jack and sucy called the inspectors.Imane and the inspectors nina.Once there the inspectors interrogaire Sucy and Jack separately . imane interroge jack:-Hello what's your name?
- My name is Jack .
- Jack what was you doing when the

larn buler?
- I was watching tv?
- what did you do ?
- I was going at the barn .

Nina interroge Sucy:
- what's you name?
- My name is Sucy
- Sucy what was you doing when the barn buler?
- I was reading a magazine
- What did you do?
- I was going at the barn.

Imanr and Nina were chatting a long time . They were sur le lui du crime.They found a carte in there is an identity card with the name Lea Robbinson .tht inspectors was going Sucy and Jack.the inspectors were chatting with sucy and jack .lea is the neighbor de jack et sucy. there were going l'interroger.The inspectors imane et nina interroge lea
-lea what was doing when the barn buler?
-c'est etrange vous ne vous rappelez plus.
- inspecteur nina arrivait et dit quil yavait une camera sur les lui du crime et on voyer lea en train de bruler la grange

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