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Publié le 23 mai 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 mai 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

What is braille ?
Braille is a method used by blind people to read and write.
each braille "cell" is made up of six dot positions , arranged in a rectangle containig two columns of three dots each.

when was it invented?
Braille was inveted in 1824. It was modelled on " night writing" a code elaborated for Napelon's soldiers, so that they could read at night without any light . Butthe system was too complicated and the army coul'dn't use it.

Who was it invented by ?
Braille was inveted by the frenchman louis braille.
Louis was born in 1809 and died in 1852. He became blind when he was only 3 , after stabling himself accidentally in the eye with one of his father's workshop tools.
at the age of 10 , he entered the royal institution for blind yourh in paris , where he was taught how yo read thanks to a system of letters wich you could fell with you hands . However the system was not very efficient and in the school there were only 14 book. so louis who also knew about napoleon's "night writting " code stardet working on his own invention and in 1824 when he was onlu 15 he had invented braille ! the firt braille book was published in 1829 and it still the most used system in the world.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai rien fazit je comprend pas........

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