
Publié le 25 mai 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 1 juin 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

CORRECTION SVP : Dear Paul, I got your lovely letter and I can see that you ask you many questions about my new life!
First at all know that I am fine and I will come back in a short while, yes I know I miss you and so I ! You didn’t want I go to Kenya but I notice that it’s the most beautiful thing I have make..
I am going to tell you everything!
- This experience has made me much more mature
- People give so much although they have nothing contrary to us and they are so pleasant in despite of the illness
- I have liked working in Kenya
- And guess what! Kenyan had so much appreciate my books, and they have found that it’s a great idea, Already many kids have learned to read, they have brains!
- I hope really my mother is proud of me
- Kenyan are so strong
- I will fight against illiteracy and destitution

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 25 mai 2011
Dear Paul,

Thank you for your kind letter. I can see that you wonder how my new life is.
First of all, I am fine and I will come back soon.

I know that I miss you and so do I ! You didn’t want me to go to Kenya but I can tell you that's the best thing I have ever done.
Let me tell how this wonderful experience has changed my life in many aspects.
- This experience has made me much more mature
- People give so much although they have nothing contrary to us and they are so nice and warmful even if they are ill.
- I have enjoyed working in Kenya
- And guess what! Kenyans have liked my books too, and they thought that it was a great idea, There are so far many kids who have been able to read. they have a brain!
- I really hope that my mother is proud of me
- Kenyans are so strong
- I will fight against illiteracy and destitution

Posté le 25 mai 2011
know that I miss you and so do you!

Let me tell you how this wonderful experience has changed my life in many aspects.

Petite correction
Posté le 26 mai 2011
merci beaucoup

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