bonjour , pouvez vous me corriger mes fautes d'anglais ? ! merci d'avance

Publié le 15 mai 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 mai 2014 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

During the last fifty years, the family structures moved away little by little from traditional models. So , live in free union and to divorce is entered in the customs and the mentalities in this day . The diversity of family life course is acquired: half of people think that women can have and raise a child alone if they wish. We therefore examined the concept of progress from the new family structures so we can say that attitudes have changed and she were followed the evolution of society on the couple. However we can ask this question : These new families are a form of progress or conversely, are they generating wrong? We will see , in first: the "traditional" families then we will study the new families forms.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

During the last fifty years, the family structures moved away little by little from traditional models. So , live in free union and to divorce is entered in the customs and the mentalities in this day . The diversity of family life course is acquired: half of people think that women can have and raise a child alone if they wish. We therefore examined the concept of progress from the new family structures so we can say that attitudes have changed and she were followed the evolution of society on the couple. However we can ask this question : These new families are a form of progress or conversely, are they generating wrong? We will see , in first: the "traditional" families then we will study the new families forms.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 15 mai 2014

J'ai l'impression que tu as écrit en français et utilisé un traducteur automatique.. Je me trompe ? ;-)

Je crois que certaines phrases sont bancales (en gras ce qui me fait bizarre) : en maj les erreurs que je vois

live in free union and to divorce is entered in the customs and the mentalities



The diversity of family life course is acquired: half of people think that women can have and raise a child alone if they wish. We therefore examined the concept of progress from the new family structures so we can say that attitudes have changed and she (à supprimer) were followed the evolution of society on the couple. However we can ask this question : These new families are a form of progress or conversely, are they generating wrong? We will see , in first: the "traditional" families then we will study the new families forms.

Posté le 15 mai 2014

"In this day": Tu voulais dire de nos jours ? Si c'est le cas: nowadays

Posté le 18 mai 2014

c pas "in this day" mais plutôt "on this day"

"in first" devient "at first"

"new families forms" devient "new family forms"



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