Correction d'une expression écrite en anglais

Publié le 27 nov. 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 4 déc. 2013 dans 10A

Sujet du devoir

Je poste cette demande pour que quelqu'un corrige l'expression écrite ci dessous sur la vie de Mandela. Merci d'avance, toute critique sont bonnes à prendre.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Nelson Mandela

He was born on July 18th
1918 in South Africa and he
studied law. He became a
leader with the creation of
the league of the youth. He
created the first firm of black
lawyers of South Africa

1944 : Nelson Mandela, influenced by Walter Sisulu, joined
the African National Congress to fight
against the political domination, because
he was conscious of segregations racial.
He participated
to non-violent
struggle against the apartheid laws,
introduced by the National Party
government from 1948. He led
campaigns peacefully until the
Sharpville Massacre.

Sharpville Massacre: On march 21st 1960, Black
people demonstrated peacefully aigainst the « pass »
The police opened fire : there were 69 deaths and 178

The gouvernment forbade ANC further to this
drama but mandela continued his fight in secret.

On 12 July 1963 he was arrested
by the South African Police on indication by
The CIA, and was sentenced sentenced to life imprisonment at the Rivonia Trial.
Therefore, he became a symbol of the
struggle for racial equality and has a
international support.

After twenty-seven years of
imprisonment, Mandelawas
released February 11, 1990

In 1993 he received with Frederik de Klerk,
the Nobel Peace Prize for ending together the
apartheid regime and laid
the foundations for a new democratic
South Africa.

In 1994 Nelson Mandela became the first
black president of South Afique.
He tried to set up a politics of reconciliation between black and white people.
In 1999 he was replaced by Thabo Mbeki.

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