Correction de ma rédaction

Publié le 31 oct. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 nov. 2014 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

Alors voilà, on avait une rédaction à faire sur un héros de notre choix, et j'aimerais savoir s'il y a des fautes. 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Isabel Mebarak Ripoll


 Many of you know her through her songs but don’t know what she really is behind the cameras. She was born on February 2nd, 1977 to Barranquilla in Colombia. This Colombian singer-writter solds more than 50 billion disks in the world what makes her the Colombian artist the most sold of all times. Famous for her songs, she is also renamed for her dancer's talents.

 But that's not all. Her humanitarian work is also recognized, in particular through her association Pie descalzos ("Bare feet" in Spanish), created in 1995, which helps the disadvantaged children whose families were victims of armed groups, by offering them an access to education. Many of her personal profits in particular those bound connected to the advertising are put back there. She finances the opening of schools and the donation of food to those whose families were the prey of armed groups. With this association, Shakira was already able to make build 6 schools in Colombia. In 2003, at the age of 26, she becomes the youngest ambassadress of the UNICEF. She is rewarded by the UNO for her humanitarian work. In 2010, she launches a program of $300 million financing for a development plan intended for the children of Latin America, in partnership with the World Bank. This plan has to allow to give access to a decent food, to care, as well as to education to all the children of Latin America of their birth until them 6 years. On this occasion, she meets to the White House the American president Barack Obama, as well as his vice-president Joe Biden to make sensitive them to this program. She receives in Geneva a medal for her implication in favour of the social justice. Then, she turns an advertising spot for the Spanish wine Cava and commits to the fact that these 500 000 € of stamp is entirely put back to her association to finance the creation of schools in Colombia and in Port-au-Prince in Haiti, country which she had visited following the earthquake which had caused the death of 230 000 people in 2010. On the occasion of World Cup Football 2010, Shakira becomes the ambassador campaign 1Goal: Education for All, which aims to provide education to the 72 million children out of school worldwide, especially Africa.

Actually, for all these facts I consider her as a model. I would not use the word "hero" because according to me, there is no hero. Certainly, some distance themselves from others by their courage, and their bravery or whatever, but all the men are equal.  She does things for others without asking anything in return and without boast. She is not selfish. Unlike some celebrities, she was realistic and fought for a good cause: she gave much of her fortune away to help children in need what it is remarkable. The fact that she used her fame to take advantage of values which mean a lot to her is impressive. To be honest, I am not a big one fan of her music but this aspect of her personality touched me. I think that she deserves our respect, because on her place I don’t think that we would have all acts in this way. Thus, if she should appear next week in the cover page of the time magazine it would be probably written in letter capital: Shakira, behind the micro, a big-hearted woman.



6 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 nov. 2014

Ça m'a l'air correct! ;)

Posté le 1 nov. 2014

salut je vais te corriger quelque faute :)

Posté le 1 nov. 2014

the death of 230 000 peoples in 2010

500 000 dollars

Posté le 1 nov. 2014
Posté le 1 nov. 2014

the camera

Posté le 2 nov. 2014

Désolée de contredire Shakira mais elle t'a rajouté une faute, people s'écrit bien sans. Par contre, oui, camera ne nécessite pas forcément de s. ;)

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