Correction d'une expression écrite

Publié le 21 déc. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 24 déc. 2014 dans 9A
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Sujet du devoir


J'ai un devoir d'Anglais à rendre rapidement qui se divise en trois parties. J'ai tout effectué, j'ai juste besoin d'une correction éventuelle de mon expression écrite. J'ai des difficultés à écrire en Anglais, notamment pour la conjugaison... Pourriez-vous me corriger ? Merci d'avance.

Voici le texte sur lequel je dois me baser :

A New Kind of Warrior

When I got back to the reservation, my family wasn’t surprised to see me. They’d been expecting me back since the day I left for Seattle. There’s an old Indian poet who said that Indians can reside in the city, but they can never live there. That’s as close to truth as any of us get. Mostly I watched television. For weeks I flipped through channels, searched for answers in the game shows and soap operas. My mother would circle the want ads in red and hand the paper to me.

“What are you going to do with the rest of your life?” she asked,

“Don’t know, ”I said, and normally, for almost any other Indian in the country, that would have been a perfectly fine answer. But I was special, a former college student, a smart kid. I was one of those Indians who was supposed to make it, to rise above the rest of the reservation like *a fucking eagle or something, I was the new kind of warrior.

For a few months, I didn’t even look at the ads my mother circled. I just left the newspaper where she had set it down. After a while though, I got tired of television and started to play basketball again. I’d been a good player in high school, nearly great, and almost played at the college I *attended for a couple of years. But I’d been too *out of shape from drinking and sadness to ever be good again. Still, I liked the way the ball felt in my hands and the way my feet felt inside my shoes.
At first I just *shot baskets by myself. It was selfish, and I also wanted to learn the game against anybody else. Since I’d been good before and embarrassed tribal members, I knew they would take revenge on me. Forget about the cowboys versus Indians business. The most intense competition on any reservation was Indians versus Indians.

A. Sherman, The Lone Ranger and Tonton Fistfight in Heaven, 1994


Ma question : Write “A New Kind of Warrior” from
the mother’s point of view, using the first person narrative : she could see her boy come back, lazy and dejected. She thought of his childhood and wondered why. (250 mots) 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici ce que j'ai rédigé :

I was not really surprised when I saw my son returning to the reservation. I am just felt sad. I was had difficulty in seeing him lazy and dejected. He passed his time to watch TV. I felt powerless. Every day, I surrounded classified ads in red for him. I knew that he does not look at them. I tryed to help him as I can. I thought to myself it was always better that nothing.

I asked him for what he plans to make the rest of his life. He replied: " I don’t know ". Always the same answer.

I wondered: " why? Why is he like that? " He had a happy childhood, a good education. Now he is back in the reserve. As any other Indian. I know that it is not its future. It was an intelligent child. He had been in the high school, in the college, he played the basketball.

My son was not as any other Indian. He could have one bright future! I still remember when he began to play the basketball at the university. He was so talented! And happy.

Why the white men are racists? This is because of them if he failed! Even if he is smart, they do not want of him because of his origins. My son believes that the other Indians want to harm him, he thinks that they are the ones compete.

I would like so much that my son becomes again the happy and brilliant young man that it was. This souvenir is so far …


J'ai besoin qu'on m'aide à comprendre mes erreurs pour que je puisse m'améliorer et les corriger. Encore merci d'avance à ceux qui prendront le temps de m'aider.


5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 déc. 2014

I was not really surprised when I saw my son returning to the reservation. I just felt sad. I was in difficulty?? in seeing him lazy and dejected. He passed his time to watch TV. I felt powerless. Every day, I surrounded classified ads in red for him. I knew that he does not look at them. I tried to help him as I could ( preterit de can car phrase au passé ) . I thought to myself it was always better than nothing.

I asked him for what he plans ( pourquoi du présent ici ?) to make the rest of his life. He replied: " I don’t know ". Always the same answer.

I wondered: " why? Why is he like that? " He had a happy childhood, a good education. Now he is back in the reserve. As any other Indian. I know that it is not its future. It was an intelligent child. He had been in the high school, in the college, he played the basketball.

My son was not as any other Indian. He could have one bright future! I still remember when he began to play the basketball at the university. He was so talented! And happy.

Why the white men are racists? This is because of them if he failed! Even if he is smart, they do not want him because of his origins. My son believes that the other Indians want to harm him, he thinks that they are the ones compete.

I would like so much that my son becomes again the happy and brilliant young man that it was. This souvenir is so far …

Attention à l'alternance des temps, des fois c'est confus

Posté le 21 déc. 2014

Merci ! Oui, je me suis un peu embrouillée avec la conjugaison... Je voulais suivre le modèle du premier texte et parler du passé puis du présent mais je me suis mélangée.

J'ai corrigé mes erreurs et j'ai mis en gras mes nouvelles modifications. Est-ce que tout est bon cette fois-ci ?


I was not really surprised when I saw my son returning to the reservation. I just felt sad. I was confused in seeing him lazy and dejected. He passed his time to watch TV. I felt powerless. Every day, I surrounded classified ads in red for him. I knew that he does not look at them. I tried to help him as I could . I thought to myself it was always better than nothing.

I asked him for what he was considering to make the rest of his life. He replied: " I don’t know ". Always the same answer.

I wondered: " why? Why is he like that? " He had a happy childhood, a good education. Now he is back in the reserve. As any other Indian. I know that it is not its future. It was an intelligent child. He had been in the high school, in the college, he played the basketball.

My son was not as any other Indian. He could have one bright future! I still remember when he began to play the basketball at the university. He was so talented! And happy.

Why the white men are racists? This is because of them if he failed! Even if he is smart, they do no want him because of his origins. My son believes that the other Indians want to harm him, he thinks that they are the ones compete.

I would like so much that my son becomes again the happy and brilliant young man that it was. This souvenir is so far …

Posté le 21 déc. 2014

C'est correct tant mieux si tu as compris tes erreurs ;)

Bonne soirée

Posté le 22 déc. 2014

Voici un version corrigé de ton devoir : 

I was not really surprised when I saw my son returned to the reservation. I just felt sad. I had difficulty seeing him lazy and dejected. He passes his time watching TV. I felt powerless. Every day, I circle classified ads in red for him. I knew that he does not look at them. I tried to help him as much I can. I thought that it was always better than nothing.

I asked him for what does he plan to do for the rest of his life. He replied: " I don’t know ". Always the same answer.

I wondered: " Why? Why is he like that? " He had a happy childhood and a good education. Now he is back in the reserve, like any other Indian. I know that is not his future. He was an intelligent child. He had been in high schooland in college he played basketball.

My son was not like any other Indian. He could have a bright future! I still remember when he began to play basketball at university. He was so talented! And happy.

Why white men are racist? It is because of them that if he failed! Even if he is smart, they do not want him because of his origins. My son believes that the other Indians want to harm him, he thinks that they are the ones compete (qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par là???)

I would like it so much that my son becomes again the happy and brilliant young man that he was. This souvenir is so far (???)…

Il faut faire plus attention aux erreurs de syntaxe et "it" est plutôt pour un objet ou un animal et non pour une personne. Et certaines de tes "traductions" sont un peu trop littéral...   


Posté le 22 déc. 2014

Et si tu as des questions ou tu veux un corrigé qui précise tes erreurs avec des explications  puis tout, surtout n''hésitez pas à me demander ^^

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