Devoir d'anglais a l'oral

Publié le 1 nov. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 nov. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Faire un Résume sur un thème a l'oral. le préparer pour commencer a l'ecris. l'oral devras faire 5min
Le théme choisie et la fashion Week

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Je n'est aucune idée d'introduction.. mon vocabulaire en anglais est d'un niveau que je ne serais définir Au secours !

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 nov. 2011
The fashion week, was born in 1943 in the United States, New York. In the middle of World War II, the Americans, jealous of the influence of France in the world in fashion, have set the fashion week to showcase American designers. The first fashion week were addressed as fashion journalists and non-customers with fashion houses and were called Press Week. At the end of the war, the major fashion capitals in Europe have started to turn a fashion week. Paris was soon back on center stage, notably through the emergence of the New Look of Christian Dior. Today, the main fashion week held respectively in New York, London, Milan and Paris twice a year

tu di sa . puis prend des photo des dernières tendance de mode des fashion week puis tu di par qui sa etai creé et c tou

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