Expression écrite en Anglais (juste besoin d'une correction !)

Publié le 15 oct. 2014 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 oct. 2014 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir


Je dois réaliser un gros devoir d'Anglais. J'ai répondu à toutes les questions et j'ai juste besoin d'aide pour deux questions d'expression écrite.


d) The qualities of an immigrant:

10. What are the qualities of an immigrant ? Explain the journalist's opinion, give your own with a few examples. Write up to 80 words.

(La question est par rapport à un texte mais je sais que ma réponse est bonne. J'ai juste besoin d'une éventuelle correction au niveau de la conjugaison et de la grammaire.)

3. Jane, a young woman from England, has found a job in New-York. A few days after her arrival she writes to her parents back home. Write her letter.

(Pareil que pour la question ci-dessus. J'ai surtout besoin d'aide pour améliorer ma façon d'écrire en Anglais !)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici ma première réponse :

The journalist thinks that the immigrants helped to build New York. For him it is a mixture of genres which give all her beauty to the city. For my part, I find that all these people make of New York a big pole where mixes the differences. We speak even about melting pot to describe the mixture of the populations in Lower East Side's district. I also think that the immigrants have a big will to make a success.


Et la deuxième :

Dear parents,

The address in the back of the envelope must have surprised you. I write you of New York. I found a job in an agency of translation. I am a translator! My studies in foreign languages eventually paid. I feel so lucky. That was not easy especially at the beginning. I have of to juggle between several small jobs. Finally, work in bars allowed me to meet good people. In particular a good friend, John. He made me discover the city and it is him who helped me to have this great work. He is a real life of the party! Now I live in corent with him. But make no mistake, he is not interested in the girls.

Today, I feel blossomed. I am happy. I like New York. All these different people who mix in streets give to the city a wonderful charm. I have the impression to live on another planet, in another world. But it is just another country. Every day, I discover new things. Tall buildings make me dream, especially at night, illuminated by the lights.

England will always stay my heart. I miss you, I look forward to seeing again you. Every evening, I ask in the wind to give you my words of love. To you, my well liked parents who gave me the strength to be the person whom I am today. Transmit my hello to Chelsea! I hope that its examinations passed well? Tell her that my small sister misses me!

With all my affection,


Voilà. J'espère que ce n'est pas trop mauvais. J'ai fait mon possible, j'ai juste besoin d'un œil averti pour me corriger et m'expliquer mes erreurs afin que je puisse progresser. Merci d'avance à ceux qui prendront le temps de m'aider !

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 15 oct. 2014

Alors, en gras mes corrections. J'ai parfois changé toute la phrase. J'espère que cela te plaira.


Dear parents,

You are probably surprised by the address on the back of the envelope. I write from New York where I have found a job in a translation agency.  Yes, I work as a translator! I knew my studies in foreign languages were going to pay up. I feel so lucky. That was not easy especially at the beginning. I have to juggle the tasks of several small jobs. Finally, working in bars gave me the opportunity  (allow = permettre dans le sens autoriser, donc cela ne va pas)

to meet nice people. In particular a good friend, John. He made me discover the city and he helped me to find this great job. Now we are flatmate (ou roomate). But do not worry, he is not interested in me (la tournure est mieux ainsi que de dire qu'il n'aime pas les filles).

Today,all my dreams are fulfilled (tous mes rêves sont comblés, c'est mieux que mettre blossom). I am happy. I like New York. It is a charming city. I feel like  living in another world,  But it is just another country. Every day, I discover new things. I like these tall buildings  especially at night when there are enlighten.

England will always be in my heart. I miss you, I look forward to seeing you again.  You have given me the strength to go onSay hello to Chelsea! I hope that everything went well with her exams.Tell her that I miss her !

With love,

Posté le 16 oct. 2014


Tout d'abord, merci beaucoup ! Je comprends mieux mes erreurs et c'est plus simple comme ça.

J'ai rajouté quelques mots pour étoffer ma lettre et aussi l'adresse. Pourriez-vous encore me donner votre avis, svp ? Le passage rajouté est en italique. Par contre, je ne suis pas certaine quant à la manière d'écrire une adresse en anglais...


141 Hilton Lane
M25 9QY
United Kingdom
October 2014

Dear parents,

You are probably surprised by the address on the back of the envelope. I write from New York where I have found a job in a translation agency. Yes, I work as a translator! I knew my studies in foreign languages were going to pay up. I get along with all my colleagues. Even my boss, he is pretty nice. Before yesterday my colleagues took me to a restaurant in the Bronx to celebrate a success at work. I really had a fine evening! The atmosphere was very friendly. I feel so lucky. That was not easy especially at the beginning. I have to juggle the tasks of several small jobs. Finally, working in bars gave me the opportunity to meet nice people. In particular a good friend, John. He made me discover the city and he helped me to find this great job. Now we are flatmate. But do not worry, he is not interested in me.

Today,all my dreams are fulfilled. I am happy. I like New York. It is a charming city. I feel like living in another world, But it is just another country. Every day, I discover new things. I like these tall buildings especially at night when there are enlighten.

England will always be in my heart. I miss you, I look forward to seeing you again. You have given me the strength to go on. Say hello to Chelsea! I hope that everything went well with her exams.Tell her that I miss her !

With love,


Merci d'avance.

Posté le 17 oct. 2014

Voici ce que j'aurai mis ( les corrections sur la partie en italique que tu as rajoutée.)


I get on well with all my colleagues, even with my boss, he is pretty nice. A few days ago, we all went to a restaurant in the Bronx to celebrate a successful work. I really had a nice time in a friendly atmosphere

Posté le 17 oct. 2014

Pour l'adresse, elle me semble bien, mais elle sera mise en haut à droite de ta lettre (pas comme en français où elle est en haut à gauche). Et sauter une ligne entre la fin de l'adresse et la date

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