Notion Idée de Progrès - Bac Anglais

Publié le 12 avr. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 17 déc. 2016 dans 7A
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Sujet du devoir

Je dois faire une notion qui porte sur le theme  "idée de progrès" pour l'expression orale du Bac d'Anglais. J'espère que vous pourrez me corriger quelques fautes.


Où j'en suis dans mon devoir



I'm going to talk about the notion of Idea of Progress, to begin with, I'd like to give a definition of this notion. According to me, ideas of progress, is the fact to do something which is better for something or to create something really innovative. What the life without progress? First, I'm going to talk about person who choose to live without technology and after situation in the life when we don't have technology.


First and foremost , according to a picture named "Man outside his yurt", we can see a yurt with a man standing in front of it building a broom. This yurt seems to be in the forest, in the middle of nowhere. So, we can suppose that he is eco-friendly otherwise he would not live in such a remote place. It looks as if he lives there on his own. As he is far from society he must have decided to give up the comfort provided by the consumer society. But I think, this man is really prepared to live into the wild. He may be fed up with modernity and technology all together in order to feel the full brunt of the nature. When you live in the nature you live without the rules of society, you must follow abide by the rules of nature. This kind of living can free you from the rules of society.

Furthermore, I think it could be good for the planet. It's very difficult to live remote, far from society but I find it can a very interesting for holiday experience. First, for live without progress, you can choose it like this man but it's really difficult because you have no communication, nothing.
On the other hand, for example Christopher Mccandless, he became famous due to the book "Into the wild" by John Krakauer in 1996, but also with the movie "Into the wild" by Sean Peen in 2007. Into the wild is the real story of Christopher Mcccandless , who called himself Alexander Supertramp. After graduating, Alex, Chris, decided to turn his back on his privileged life to go and live alone in the wilds of Alaska, but he was not really prepared... So, without technologies, Chris lived alone approximatively 4 months in abandoned bus, in a remote place. His aim was to live a simple life, and to be in the middle of nowhere, apart from society, to feel the full brunt of nature, and to give up on technology and other modern thing. But live completely without technologies can be dangerous, indeed, for example  Mccandless is dead in the nature 4 months after his first day in his abandoned bus. The nature was most stronger than him.


Secondly, we saw that sometimes, there are situation where we don't decide to give up technology. For example, according to a comprehension oral which is named, "black-outs when the lights go off", according to this comprehension, there had a massive black out affecting Arizona and California. It deals with the way people coped with that situation, how they reacted to this electricity cut. As far we know it happened took place in the West coast. All the lights went off and as a consequences, the police had to regulate the traffic because the traffic lights didn't work. And, moreover, Policeman helped to fix the problem along with government. Also, people couldn't work cook, so they went to the restaurant, because there they had gas to serve their customers. Besides, millions of people were affected, they had to do without light, electricity and air conditioning. As it happened in September, it can be very hot in September in the South West of the US.

Eventually, some people quite happy about that, one woman-even smiles and seems to have fun/ enjoy her meals at the restaurant. Overall they are amused, they remain calm. And some people seem to take this predicament like an adventure.

But another is more worried as she cannot get in touch with her family. So without technology the life in community is really difficult and all seem be weird. One day me I was cut of internet during 1 single day and it was horrible! I went running alone, really strange for me! So when you have not technology, the life is not the same.


To conclude, the life without progress is different and people too. But it also really difficult because in this society, we are dependent of technology, of our comfort. So live outlying of the town, alone or in little community to preserve the nature is so difficult and we need to be really prepared. And I think, take in case a little phone to call urgencies if there are a problem.

Fiche de Révision

La notion d'idée de progrès fait partie du programme d'anglais de la classe de terminale. Cette notion est évaluée à l'oral du baccalauréat


Pour cette évaluation orale, l'élève de terminale doit présenter, en anglais, un développement construit et argumenté sur la notion idée de progrès. Pour cela, il doit développer une problématique sur le sujet en s'appuyant sur les documents vus en cours.

Tout d'abord, l'élève doit présenter sa notion en donnant la définition des termes clés, il doit poser sa problématique et présenter son plan. Ensuite, vient le développement. De manière argumentée et logique, l'élève donne, généralement en 3 parties, des arguments et des exemples qui lui permettent de répondre à la problématique. Ces arguments et exemples doivent s'inspirer des documents étudiés en classe. L'élève peut aussi donner des arguments ou opinions personnels du moment que c'est pertinent. Enfin, il termine par une conclusion qui donne une réponse claire à la problématique et propose une ouverture.


Sont également évalués la correction de la langue, grammaire et conjugaison ainsi que la prononciation et l'aisance à l'oral. Il ne faut donc pas hésiter à s'entrainer pour faire un oral parfait le jour J.

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