Oral bac Forms and places of powers

Publié le 5 mai 2016 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 8 mai 2016 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour , je vous présente à présent mon oral sur la nation forms and places of powers n'hesitez pas à donner votre avis et me corriger car je n'ai pas du tout un bon anglais et je galère pas mal merci beaucoup.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Forms and Places of Powers

I will present you the notion Forms and Places of Powers. I would like to give a defintion Forms and Places of Powers. In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.



From colonisation to mutual partnership what is at stake in the Commonweath ? The commonwealth celebrate their friendship , mutual respct and good natured competitiveness. The commonwealth have 54 countries around the world who have common values. They respect the authority of the queen as , their head of state , the us English as o common working language , they support one anthoer in their fight against poverty , ignorance and préjudice diseases.



First , of all , I will concentrate a advantages aspect and a second part , I will concentrate of drawbacks a Commonwealth.



The Commonwealth completely disappear the people of inequality as evidenced. We have seen a photo who white people represent power wheraas black people represent the colonies and their submission. The white hunters are proud of their hunting trohpies. They look as if everything is theirs. The Commonwealth is a good community beacause its purpose is to assist smaller countries as Nauru. The Commonwealth had a charter explaining the entire operation. This community want increase a Gross Domestic Product. The Commonwealth is comparable to the union europpéen . ts purpose is to bring together several countries , which totals 2 billion people and power creates a comunity diversity.




But the Commonwealth had drawbacks. We can see a cartoon and this cartoo is a “to do list” for members of the Commonwealth. Only one thing ticked , only problem of , the king's marriage to Catolics has been sloved. Also rejected the commonwealth not all democratic countries like Gambia. If a country does not respect the charter is immediately excluded.This community is stereotyped as The cartoon shows a studied. On the cartoon we can see the sterotype of the English man and 4 military men. These men represent countries like Brunei , Swaziland , maldives and Pakistan. Their point in common is the absence of democraty , they are all dictors. But as the United-Kingdom was atwar with Pakistan all the other countries stand against tham and denounce the Pakistanie governement



To conclude , the commonwealth is a diffcult comunity because , it's not easy to unite so many different countries but some good influcence of the commonwealth end of the Appartheid in South Africa. I think the Commonwealth is good community although it still remains of the rules to change to a better integration.

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