Synthèse d'anglais

Publié le 12 janv. 2015 il y a 9A par Anonyme - Fin › 16 janv. 2015 dans 9A

Sujet du devoir

je dois faire un synthèse d'anglais sur la notion de l'idée de progrès. Nous avons des documents tel que "Avatar project", le projet d'un homme artificialisé. J'ai aussi intégré à ce que nous avons vu sur le projet de cabane dans les bois. J'ai réussis à finir mon texte mais je voudrais savoir si il y a des fautes. Merci d'avance! :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

The concept of progress accompanied the great moments of history. It crosses and challenges the legacies and traditions, resulting in a wide variety of development process as well as resistance to change.
Relayed by the development of advanced technologies, accelerating scientific and technical progress, novelty and progress are subject, in recent decades, a growing awareness of the possible consequences for the future. But then the progress is it still in the service of man, or he must get it back? First we see how men use the technical progress that he be at the service of man. Then we will see the limitations that this train and the willingness of some to return to rear.

At first, with some documents we saw the example of "Avatar project". Thanks to new technologies and technical progress, the crazy idea to transfer a human brain in an artificial body would now be possible. This project is possible, 30 scientists are already working and creative hope he can achieve in 2045. First, in 2015-2020, it will look to make a copy of a robot body human which can be controlled by the brain. Then the project aims for 2025 the creation of an avatar in which the human brain is transplanted in later life.
The team hopes to have in 2035 achieved an artificial brain in which a human personality could be transferred to finally, in 2045, reaching their goal: to create an avatar. this man is immortal, insisensible diseases ... Of course this project is attractive since being immortal man can know a lot more than a single life. He can do whatever he dreams without countdown, it does not veillit .... But technical progress has also a lot of constraints. On the one hand, it reflects enormous inequalities. This project will cost very expensive, which may give benefits to the wealthiest their immortality. On the other hand, death is important to understand the meaning of life and values. With this project, many will feel very powerful.

In a second step, we have seen that with all these new technologies and economic consequences, political, natural they entail certain we decided to create their own world, away from everything. Some have decided to create their own home in the woods, with entirely natural elements. Washing with water from rivers, eat only natural products ... This project is the "home at low cost." technical progress leads to the exploitation of fishery resources, renewable, oil etc ... This degrades the world in which we live, increases polution, global warming ... So to change this and do not contribute to increased degradation the planet some have decided to get it back. To live as if the technical progress had never existed. But for that, they have to cut trees, to locate in a place where annimal species lived, so drive them away .. This has no real consequences as long as they are not millions to follow this way of living.

Finally, the idea of progress has made men completely irresponsible face with its use, they do not understand. This non-awareness compared to propblémes of it are numerous and very serious. Some take the opportunity and pushes the progress still further as "Avatar projetc." I think that progress is the solution to anything and will do that even more degrading humanity it currently. To denounce these practices some have decided to withdraw from this conssommation company and production. They decided to live elsewhere, far away, in another world. This way of doing also presents problems, but may be less compared to the unreasonable use of technical progress. I think the solution is to exploit the technical progress face other challenges. For example, oil is scarce so the technical progress could servivre looking for other energy resources. It could also serve to reduce inequalities instead of constantly enrich the meaning already rich men. We need to review the way we operate the progress.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 12 janv. 2015

Aucune faute bravo

Posté le 13 janv. 2015

Je confirme, aucune faute relevées. En plus le tout est très bien écrit. Tu vas faire un carton ! ;-)

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