
Publié le 12 févr. 2010 il y a 14A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 févr. 2010 dans 14A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour aurai tu une adresse (genre MSN) pour pouvoir m'aider car il y'a quelque question que je n'ai pas compris dans mon devoirs .

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

concernant ce texte :

The scene takes place in Charleston, South Carolina

The gallery door to the street opened.
"Dear," Sarah Cutworth said.
"Your mother said you were working here--' Sarah paused and looked round. She wore a powder-blue linen two-piece and pearls. "Why", she said, "this is just precious".
Gillon came forward to kiss her cheek.
"I just waxed the floor".
Sarah looked down.
"You did?"
Gillon nodded. "Cleaned every picture". She backed herself up against the table, shielding the sculptures.
"I call this", Sarah said, "a lovely place to work. You get to meet people here."
"Mostly people who don't quite buy a picture. And tourists.
Sarah made a dimissive gesture. She had seldom herself been west of Virginia, and no further north than New York City, where she stayed, firmly, at the Waldorf Astoria because of its welcoming Junior League floor.
"Tourists. They are ruining this city."
Gillon pointed.
"Do you like that landscape, Grandmama?"
Sarah looked.
"No, dear."
She took a few neat steps sideways and peered at the table.
"What are those? Hallowe'en goblins?"
"Sculptures, Grandmama. Figures of female deities."
Sarah put out a trimly manicured small hand and picked up a soapstone goddess. She inspected it in silence. Then she returned it to the table.
"Nice people", she said, "don't need to see such things."
"It's art--"
"Art", Sarah said firmly, "is not a licence for obscenity."
Gillon put a reassuring finger on the soapstone goddess.
"It isn't obscenity to many people, Grandmama. It's truth and beauty."
"Don't argue with me, Gillon, "Sarah said. She straightened and looked about her. "It's a charming place."
"More", Sarah said, "than I gather your present residence is?"
"It's not too bad--"
"Society Street, "Sarah said. "What are you thinking of? It's quite bohemian."
Gillon bit her lip.
"It's cheap."
"And what is the matter with your home? Or my home?"
"I need my independence--"
"You won't have one shred of independence, my girl, until your marry."
Gillon turned the goddess round so that her solid little back was towards Sarah.
"Is that why you came to see me, Grandmama? Did you come to find me here to tell me what you've told me at least one hundred times before?"
"No", Sarah said, "I came to invite you to dinner."
"I have met your perfectly charming English friend." She gave Gillon a coquettish look. "He is coming. He is delighted to come."
"What a fine young man." Sarah said.
"Grandmama," Gillon said," Henry is not here as-as a kind of family play thing. Henry is here to work. Henry is here to take pictures of the lowcountry."
"Your mother and father are very taken with him."
"He's a nice guy--"
"Miss Minda is making chicken enchiladas. And a german chocolate cheesecake for dessert. Or maybe sweetpotato-stuffed apples. What do you think?"
"Either," Gillon said. "Anything--"
Sarah leaned forward and brushed her cheek against her granddaughter's.
"Find a dress, dear," she said. "Or a skirt at least. Just to please me."

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