Anglais Texte Sujet

Publié le 1 oct. 2019 il y a 4A par Max123#1596 - Fin › 4 oct. 2019 dans 4A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, aidez moi à faire un texte sur le sujet N°1 ou N°2.
Merci par avance.

N°1 : You are Brithish but your grand-parents were from Jamaica. You think the Brexit is stupid and dangerous. For you, the new Union Jack is an excellent idea and you want Britain to adopt it. Explain your decision and justify it precisely.

N°2 : You are British. All your ancestors lived, worked and died in Britain. You don't have any coloured friend. Because you are afraid of migrants, you voted FOR the Brexit

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 oct. 2019


These are the reasons why I voted for the Brexit and everybody should. At first, I do not understand how poeple can want migrants coming to us. My ancestors lived, worked and died in Great Britain. They never thought about migration though they were poor. At least, they were courageous. Everyone should be like this. Furthermore, if migrants come, they will surely invade England. I should then have to leave my natal country! No way! I whom my ancestors made saved the family honour. Now, I will also save it all costs!


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