Bobby Sands Mural

Publié le 2 déc. 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 9 déc. 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour, je dois décrire le célèbre mural de Bobby Sands
Pourriez vous m'aider a corriger mes fautes de langue ?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

This Republican mural was painted in honor of Bobby Sands on the Belfast Street.
I can see in the middle the portrait of the Member of Parliament Bobby Sands. He was a Republican martyr who died on a hunger strike to protest the UK's failure to treat the Irish Republican Army inmates as political prisoners. Eleven other men the same feat.
He is considered in Ireland as a hero of Republican cause.
In the mural, Bobby Sands was surrounded by bright colors and chairs which are broke by a lack and a phoenix.
The string represents the prisoners and These two animals represent the hope, We can deduce that the living conditions in prisons are going to be improve … One of the most famous sentence of Bobby Sands is on the mural “Our revenge will be the laughter of our children” It means in French : “"Notre vengeance sera le rire de nos enfants."”

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 2 déc. 2012
Bonsoir, personnellement je ne vois pas de fautes :) Je ne suis pas une experte en anglais mais de toute manière, si quelqu'un voit une erreur, il t'en fera sûrement part ;) bon courage
Posté le 2 déc. 2012
Yep, there are some mistakes in your text: Let's correct them.
not on the Belfast Street but in the Belfast Street.
martyr who died during a hunger strike to protest the UK failure that was treating the Irish Republican Army.....
On the mural, Bobby Sands was surrounded.....
and chairs were broken by (I cannot understand what you mean by "by a lack and a phoenix??"
The string represents the prisoners and the two animals hope.
We can guess (au lieu de deduce) that the living conditions are supposed to get better..

Good luck!

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