Compréhension orale Anglais première S

Publié le 1 avr. 2016 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 avr. 2016 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir


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Voici le sujet :

1) Complete the identity card for the speaker : 
Sex: ..............................................................
Age: ..............................................................
Profession: ........................................................................................
Physical appearance:....................................................................


2) Identify the person/people the speaker is addressing and quote the document

to justify your choice :
adults           /            young people
Justification: ............................................................................................................................................................

3) Choose the right answer(s) and quote an element from the dialogue to justify.
The speaker talks about :
 the past
 the present
 the future

Justification :

4) True or false? Justify each answer with an element from the dialogue. 
a) The speaker feels his age.
b) Passing exams is easy.
c) In the 15th century it would have been a handicap for a student to know Copernicus
and/or Leonardo da Vinci.
d) The speaker criticises education at school.
e) The speaker’s experiences of love as the ideal solution are positive.

5) Listen to the recording again to answer the following questions quoting the
document : 
a) According to the speaker, what two facts are associated with wisdom (sagesse)?
b) What do people discover when they leave school?
c) How does the speaker define ‘artistic temperament’?
d) According to the speaker what are the dangers of conformity?

6) What is the speaker’s idea of ‘fun’?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Pour la question 1, j'ai trouvé :

Male / 81 / ? / white beard


Pour la 2), j'ai trouvé young people mais pas la justification


Pour la 3), past and present mais pas de justification


Et ensuite, je n'y arrive pas, merci d'avance !!

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 12 avr. 2016

sex male

age 81

proffession: profession of sophocles

physical appearance: white beard


2/ young people: you are nearly grown up/ you will escape ffrom school

Posté le 12 avr. 2016

   the past :Sophocles, Euripides and Shakespeare/in the 15 th century/ when I was your age etc./ in the days of Copernicus

 the present: I am old / Passing exams today… / Now…

 the future : The same thing will happen to you. / You will escape from schoo

Posté le 12 avr. 2016

exo 4

a)False: I have not grown up yet.

b) False: you must set about very clear-headedly

Posté le 13 avr. 2016

Merci bcp pour vos réponses !!

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