Corriger une exppression ecrite

Publié le 18 mars 2018 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 21 mars 2018 dans 6A

Sujet du devoir

bonjour, pouvez vous me corriger pour que mon expression ecrite soit correct merci

There are many factors on our buying choices. The first major impact is
the society that greatly influences our purchases, like advertising, celebrities ... We will often tend to buy a pair of shoes because it is "fashionable" or because we have seen people populars. Advertisements can also influence so much that we can opt for one brand over another. Then the social factor, which includes the groups to which we belong and our social status. Most people need people to interact with and make decisions about. Family and friends influence our buying decisions.
The same to social class, members of a social class are those who share similar behavior, values, and interests. People in the same occupation, neighborhood, or education system may belong to the same social class and therefore have the same needs. Our profession also influences the product choices we make. For example, a manager is more likely to buy a business suit than a worker in a factory. Our economic circumstances are also a factor, we know that our spending decisions are greatly influenced by our economic situation. This is especially true for vehicles, home and other purchases. Age also has an impact on a person's tastes. As people get older, they buy different goods and services.




1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 mars 2018

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