Corrigez mes erreurs..

Publié le 4 juin 2018 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 7 juin 2018 dans 5A

Sujet du devoir

 To start , I would like to give a definition of my choose notion «  PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER », it’s a notion whose speak about slavery, domination, colonization, superiority, power… Why there are still today inequalities in Australia?

In a first part I’m going to speak about story of Australia and in a second part i’m going to expose the today notion situation.

My part one consists of 3 subsections : Formation of british colony and situation of United   kingdom and Action, heroe.. of colonization for finish What they did with aboriginals? (slaves..)


A) The first Englishman to cross the autralian earth was the William Dampier in 1688. His ship sank in the Atlantic during the return. William Dampier, repatriated in 1700, was convicted for cruelty to his crew.

In the middle of the 18° century, England was the first power of the globe. 

B) The Captain James Cook in 1768 explored the South coast with the « Endeavor » (his ship). 

In 1770 Cook , called the Australian East Coast : « New South Wales ».

C) Australian aboriginals are the first men to walk on Australian earth, and Aboriginals were since 40,000 years in Australia.

When British settlers landed at the end of the 18th century, London proclaimed the law of terra nullius: Australia was land without landlords.





So we will go on to the second part, this part will talk about the life of the aborigines after the colonization, this part will be composed of three parts, at first, of the different types of aborigines, then racism,abuse towards them and to finish solutions put in place by the state to help them.





Aa) Contrary to popular belief, aboriginals do not always live away from cities or even in the desert, some live in the city, and live normally.

Ba) For one century, from 1869 to 1969, the Aborigines are victims of displacement. Aboriginal children, particularly children of mixed race (Aboriginal mother and white father), are displaced.

most of the children had no real education but were trained to do manual work. Some children have never seen their families again ... They are called the stolen generations. The number of separated children is unknown, but it is clear that the Aboriginal people are still traumatized by this policy, which ended only 40 years ago! (that's exactly what we saw in the movie "the rabbit proof fence »).

Ca)Since the Australians are excuses. However, the pain will not disappear any more misery and inequalities. Many of these children have gone into alcohol, drug, delinquency. Of course the Australian government has published apologies but it has not pledged to give redress for the harm and suffering caused. There is nothing to compensate the victims of the "stolen generations". The Ministry of Indigenous Affairs is the responsibility of each state to pay or not compensation. In April 2007, an Aboriginal of the "Stolen Generation", Bruce Allan Trevorrow, kidnapped at the age of one year, was compensated by 525,000 dollars. But few aborigines go to the fight of the judiciary procedure which is very restrictive and dificult. Indeed, you plaintiff must prove that the kidnapping was done without the consent of his parents. Of course, you have to prove that this kidnapping was against the law..





In conclusion, I can say that Australia is a beautiful country, where there is still a lot of inequality, between aborigines, descendants of the stolen generation and men descended from European colonials. However, we can see that the state is not really devoting there efforts to reduce inequalities.



9 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 4 juin 2018


J'ai essayé de te le corriger directement...

Pour commencer l'intro ;) J'essaierai le reste si j'ai le temps...


To start, I would like to give a definition of my notion chosen « PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER ». This subject is about slavery, domination, colonization, superiority, power… The problem we are asking now is therefore: Why are there still today inequalities in Australia?
First, I'll speak about the story of Australia and i’ll then expose the today notion situation.

My first part consists of 3 subsections :

  1. Formation of the british colony
  2. situation of the United kingdom
  3. Action, heroes.. of the colonization (?) and finally What did they with aboriginals? (slaves..)


Posté le 5 juin 2018

merci beaucoup c'est gentil d'avoir pris le temps!

Posté le 5 juin 2018

Bonjour, s'il vous plaît, merci, tu connais?

Posté le 5 juin 2018

on dit my notion choosen ^^ 


sinon aide toi d'une traduction automatique comme Google traduction ^^

Posté le 5 juin 2018

Merci, et j'évite au max..


Posté le 5 juin 2018

Google traduction


Surtout pas!!

Les profs ne sont pas des imbéciles, surtout pour un examen.


Posté le 5 juin 2018

D'accord avec vous!


Posté le 5 juin 2018

Salut, j'ai mis entre parenthèse ma correction ( des phrases à remplacer ou completer ) , fais gaffe il y a pas mal de franglisme en apparence, ça se voit que c'est Google trad ( perso sur les traductions je prefere Linguee ) 


Ammoniac ++ 



To start ( Firstly ) , I would like to give a definition of my choose ( chosen )  notion «  PLACES AND FORMS OF POWER », it’s a notion whose ( which )  speak ( speaks )  about slavery, domination, colonization, superiority, power…  ( One of the question raised by this notion is the following one:  ) Why there are still today inequalities in Australia?
In a first part I’m going to speak about story of Australia and in a second part i’m going to expose the today notion situation ( i'm going to expose nowadays' situation of the notion )
My part one consists of  3 subsections : Formation of british colony and situation of United   kingdom and Action, heroe.. of colonization for finish What they did with aboriginals? ( Plutot mettre Then, So, des mots de liaisons plutot que "and" ) (slaves..)

A) The first Englishman to cross the autralian earth was the William Dampier in 1688. His ship sank in the Atlantic during the return. William Dampier, repatriated in 1700, was convicted for cruelty to his crew.
In the middle of the 18° century, England was the first power of the globe.
B) The Captain James Cook in 1768 explored the South coast with the « Endeavor » (his ship).
In 1770 Cook , called the Australian East Coast : « New South Wales ».
C) Australian aboriginals are the first men to walk on Australian earth, and Aboriginals were since 40,000 years in Australia ( Attention "for" et "since" ne s'utilisent pas pareil, ici : Aboriginals have been in Australia for about 40000 years) .
When British settlers landed at the end of the 18th century, London proclaimed the law of terra nullius: Australia was ( a )  land without landlords.

So we will go on to the second part, this part will talk about the life of the aborigines after the colonization, this part will be composed of three parts, of the different types of aborigines on the one hand , then racism (and ) abuse towards them on the other hand  and to finish solutions put in place by the state to help them ( préfere : the government's policy in order to help them ). ( remarque : normalement si tu fais bien tes transition tu n'as pas besoin de préciser que tu changes de partie )

Aa) Contrary to popular belief ( As opposed as popular belief ), aboriginals do not always live away from cities or even in the desert, some live in the city, and live normally ( in a Western societies' way ).
Ba) For one century, from 1869 to 1969, the Aborigines are victims of displacement ( are under the threat of displacement ) . Aboriginal children, particularly children of mixed race (Aboriginal mother and white father), are displaced.
most of the children had no real education but were trained to do manual work. Some children have never seen their families again ( since they were taken away from theirs ) ... They are called the stolen generations ( so they are called...). The number of separated children is unknown, but it is clear that the Aboriginal people are still traumatized by this policy, which ended only 40 years ago! (that's exactly what we saw in the movie "the rabbit proof fence »).
Ca)Since the Australians are excuses. However, the pain will not disappear any more misery and inequalities ( Pas compris ce que tu voulais dire ici , peut etre : Time has passed but the pain is still here ). Many of these children have gone into alcohol, drug, delinquency. Of course the Australian government has published apologies but it has not pledged to give redress for the harm and suffering caused. There is nothing to compensate the victims of the "stolen generations". The Ministry of Indigenous Affairs is the responsibility of each state to pay or not compensation. In April 2007, an Aboriginal of the "Stolen Generation", Bruce Allan Trevorrow, kidnapped at the age of one year, was compensated by 525,000 dollars ( with 525000 dollars, by ca veut dire que c'est lui qu'on compense avec de l'argent ) . But few aborigines go to the fight of the judiciary procedure which is very restrictive and dificult. Indeed, you plaintiff must prove that the kidnapping was done without the consent of his parents. Of course, you have to prove that this kidnapping was against the law..

In conclusion ( Finally ) , I can say that Australia is a beautiful country ( un peu naif, niais comme remarque ) , where there is still a lot of inequality ( inequalities ) , between aborigines, descendants of the stolen generation and men descended from European colonials. However, we can see that the state is not really devoting there efforts to reduce inequalities.

Posté le 5 juin 2018

merci infiniment!!!!!!!!!!

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