Description d'un pénomène

Publié le 31 oct. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 5 nov. 2010 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Find a thought provoking ad ( photocopy it) raising a major issue, describe it and analyze it show how crafty and efficient it is, its goal and how it branches on a universal message!
imagine an other slogan

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

J'ai choisi une image que je descris ci dessous:
Firstly, It’s a picture quite simple and dark, there is almost nothing, what struck me most it's this «toilet-wheelchair" above of the toilet, I can see the advertising slogan, "take a seat and think about The Consequences of Drunk Driving” write on a framework white and it's fixed on small bricks. Besides, with an astute analysis, I notice that "AND THINK" is written in bigger letters that others; bringing directly to do reflect, think; humans face the consequences of drunk driving. Furthermore, that this message is represented by a toilet also shows that this accident can happen to anyone because everyone goes to the toilet, because the alcohols who drive put endanger their lives and those of others. It is then the universal message.
Moreover, this mean of expression seems very worthwhile and very realistic. That's why I chose him; this concept of awareness to the effects of drinking and driving and in fact very successful, for once, we do not see images shock, or serious accident, but this concept uses the people reflection. The English are strong to fight against drunk driving, what better way to transform toilets of a bar in a wheelchair to make passersby reflect? I think this can be very effective because consumers will go inevitably once to the toilet in the soiree and will come face to this "toilet-wheelchair", and perhaps encourage people to be cautious and surely make them think twice before return to driving under the influence of alcohol. And you, how would you handle toilets like that?
Eventually, the case of the alcohol steering wheel is tackled in whole countries the world, and in each country hundreds of accidents happen every day. This is an important subject to be treated since the victims most affected are often young people who come obtain their driver's license. Each country uses different methods for conscious people , thus we can speak a universal message.
Merci de m'informer d'eventuelle erreur merci :)

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 31 oct. 2010
Je te fais un petit retour à vérifier...

1/ "a picture quite simple and dark", je ne sais pas s'il faudrait pas plutôt mettre "a quite simple and dark picture"

2/ "Furthermore, that this message" et "that this accident" : "that this" çà fait bizarre. à voir..

3/ "That's why I chose him" : c'est une chose, il faudrait mettre "it" à la place de "him".

4/ "in the soiree" : "soiree" je ne pense pas (à moins que les anglais nous aient pris ce mot.

Posté le 1 nov. 2010
ok merci :D

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