Exposé film Charlie et la chocolatrie

Publié le 5 mars 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 juin 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour ! En spécialité anglais, après avoir choisi un film, livre, quelque chose que l'on aime bien, nous devons faire un exposé oral de 10 minutes sans "reprendre wikipédia" mais plutôt en exprimant ce que l'on aime ou n'aime pas ect.. et commenter. Moi j'ai choisi le film Charlie et la chocolaterie et je voudrai que l'on me corrige mes fautes/phrases, me dire si c'est correct, ce que je dois rajouter ou enlever... Merci d'avance x)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I will you talk about the film Charlie and the chocolate factory. At first, I will doing a short description about this film, then i will say what i like or don't like ans why. And at the end, my personal sensations about this movie.

1.Description of the film

Charlie and the chocolate factory is an american film by Tim Burton exit in 2005. It's a fantastique film.
Charlie is a child from a poor family. Working to support his family, he must save every penny and can't afford the delicacies to the delight of children his age. For have his sweet spot, he participated in a competition organized by the disturbing Willy Wonka, the owner of the chocolate factory in the city. The one who will discover one of five golden tickets that Wonka has hidden in chocolate bars manufacture, will win a candy life.

(affiche du film) description : This is the poster of the film. Personnaly, i think that this poster is well done. It's original and eccentric with dress of actor and the background who give desire to go in the chocolate factory. Moreover, I like also the first name written in chocolate.

2. I like/ I don't like and why

So, now i'll tell you what i like the most, don't like and why.

(photo de Charlie) . First, i like the different characters because everyone has a specific role. My favorite character is the main character Charlie Bucket. Charlie's real name is Freddie Highmore who has palayed too in Arthur and the minimoyes. For me, this actor is playing well because thanks to this character every children can imagine being in his place and have this famous golden ticket like him. (photo Johny Deep). An another character that i like is Willy Wonka played by Johny Deep who playing the owner of the chocolate factory because this actor play very well. I think he is eccentric, hilarious and moving. And personnaly an engaging character.
Then, I think that the sceneries are perfects because thanks to this sceneries we are in fairy, wonderful scenery that thrills and makes me want to get into the film and the colors very fun. I like also costumes especially that of Willy Wonka who is simple but well. Moreover, in my opinion the music is mysterious and give suspense to the film. And, the mood of the film is for me child and when i watch this movie i want evey time to be Charlie's place.
So, yet what i don't like is the choreography of 'Oompas-Loopas" because i think that it's too much musical comedy.

[u] 3. My personal sensations about charlie ans the chocolate factory

So now, I'll tell you my personal sensations about this film.
At first, i like this film because it is funny, it's not a movie like the others, it is only. I think that we come in an extraordinary world. Players have very good roles and play very well as Johny Deep. My favorite passage is when Charlie discover the golden ticket. Like him i'm amazed and i want explore this chocolate factory with him. Indeed, this film is for children but i think for teenagers and adults also. When, i saw this movie at the age 12 years old. I was amazed, anything become possible I chose to talk about this film because it is famous.

I think that most people have already seen this film.

7 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 mars 2011
On dit I'm going to talk/ speak about a film. The name of the film is... tu dois dire first I'm going to make a short description and after i'm going to tell you IF i like it or not.

1) description

Charlie and the chocolate factory is an american film made by Tim burton. Et le mot exit veut dire sortie comme une sortie de secour. la on utilisera le verbe come au passe donc The film came in 2005. et ne marque pas que c'est un bon film car sa fait partie de ton avie donc sa tu le marques dans le petit 2;and can't afford the delicacies to the delight of children his age. cette phrase ne veut pas dire grand chose mais tu peux dire. He can't have the same thing like the others because he's poor.

He participated at a competition organized by the Willy Wonka, the owner of the chocolate factory in the city.
the rule is the one who find a golden tickets that Wonka has hidden in chocolate bars , can visit his factory!

ta description de l'afiche ne sert pas a grand chose mais si tu la laisse dit: This is the poster of the film we can see the name wrighten in chocolate. We can also see the main character.

et la tu passe au 2

2)like or dislike and why

and now i will tell you what i think of the film.
... the real name of the actor is Freddie Highmore who played in Arthur and the minimoyes.

Willy Wonka played by Johny Deep who's playing the owner of the chocolate factory.

I think he is eccentric, hilarious and moving. And personnaly an engaging character. cett phrase tu laisses tomber.

I also likes the costumes specially the one of Willy Wonka.


, it is only tu ne le marques pas.
tu remplaces players par actors;

at the age of 12 years old et c'est pas anything c'est everything ;)

Posté le 5 mars 2011
bonne chance ;) et dit moi combien tu as eu
Posté le 6 mars 2011
Merci pour la correction, dois-je rajouter des choses ou c'est bon?
Oui oui je te dirai. :)
Posté le 7 mars 2011
nan c'est bon apres ta prof va noter sur la facon dont tu t'exprimes mes si tu as un bon accent sa ira ;)
Posté le 7 mars 2011
wouah bien joue
Posté le 5 avr. 2011
Merci du conseil c'est gentil mais mon exposé est déjà passé j'attends maintenant la note ;)
Posté le 1 juin 2011
Super Darckman !

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