expression écrite ; réussir sa vie

Publié le 3 mars 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 10 mars 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

Bonjour à tous , je dois faire une expression . Le thème s'intitule : what is your idea of a successful life .
Pouvez vous me dire ou sont mes fautes .

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

There are several possible criteria, to make a success of his life, such as , To help people, to make a success of studies , living in a happy familly,
We'll see that there are certain criteria that are important and other criteria that are less important.

To begin with, I am interested at criteria which are for me less important.
I prefer to live in house small than to live in a big house because I must finding a well-paid job,
The second criterion is to living in luxury.
I think we have to live with what we have everyone cannot live in luxury. Personally I don't live in luxury and I live very well.
Nevertheless it exist other criteria which are important.

The first criterion which comes to mind is successful study.
It is essential because it allows to do what we want.
For example: if one succeeded not in his studies, one will not be able to make a trade which one likes,

The second criterion which is also important is to succeed in my life is to help people.
That is important because it gives a direction to life.
I felt proud to have helped my grandmother in difficult moments .
But it should not be forgotten that family and good friends are also important to make a success of the life, because the family allows me to have my bearings , to help in my choices, to be constant.
Friends are there to give me a smile in the difficult moments, but the friends can spend quality time together.

In conclusion, studies, helping people , family and friends are for me the essential criteria to succeed in life.

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 mars 2011
There are several possible criteria, to make *our life successful*, such as , *helping* people, *being a successful student* , living in a happy familly,
We'll see that there are *some*criteria that are important and other (*criteria* pas necessaire de repeter) that are less important.

To begin with, I am interested *in* criteria which are for me less important.
I prefer to live in *small house* than a big *one* because I *have to find* a well-paid job,
The second criteria is to living in luxury.
I think we have to live with what we have, everyone cannot live in luxury. Personally I don't live in luxury and I live very well.
Nevertheless it exist other criteria which are important.

The first criteria which comes to mind is successful *studies*.
It is essential because it allows to do what we want.
For example: if one *do not succeed* in his studies, one will not be able to make a trade which one likes,(<-- je ne vois pas trop ce que tu veux dire par là)

The second criterion which is also important is to succeed in my life, and help people.
That is important because it gives *us* a *purpose* in life.
I felt proud to have helped my grandmother in difficult moments .
But it should not be forgotten that family and good friends are also important to make a *successful life*, because the family allows me to have my bearings (bearings dans quel sens?) , to help me making choices, to *stay* constant.
Friends are there to *make me smile* in the difficult moments, but *also to * spend quality time together.

In conclusion, studies, helping people , family and friends are for me the essential criteria to succeed in life.

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