Expression écrite: Do you think parents should choose their children's future jobs? (150-200 mots).

Publié le 7 nov. 2012 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 14 nov. 2012 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

Do you think parents should choose their children's future jobs? (150-200 mots).
En sachant que je suis notée sur l'organisation ( intro , développement , conclusion ),la cohérence , l'enchaînement ,l'intérêt, l'originalité ,les références culturelles ,l'humour, la grammaire , la syntaxe et le lexique ( richesse, variété). J'aimerai améliorer et surtout diviser tout cela en trois parties.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I think parents shouldn't choose their childrens future jobs because their childrens should be free to choose the job they want . Parents shouldn't affect them because sometimes , some parents wants a specific job to their childrens that childrens doesn't want to do . Then , childrens can do a job that they doesn't like because the job was imposed . They could be easily bored and feel bad. Moreover, I think that choosing a job is a personnal thing, everyone is different in the world so that they should choose for their own.I could understand that some parents choose the options when children are in highschool but then when they grow up and attend University, children are adults and so they know how to live. It is a question of maturity and truthfull.

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 7 nov. 2012
Voici qqes idées:
I think that the influence of paents should be limited. They can inform and advise their children but they must'nt impose their own views. Parents must let their children choose a career which offers them an opportunity to achieve their potential, whatever dreams or ambitions their parents may have had.
Moereover, parents'opinions are based on their experiences, that is to say their success , their failure or frustrated dreams. And today social and working conditions have changed a lot and parents are unable to intervene in their children's decisions.
Children shouldn't rely on their parents for something their whole lifetime is going to depend on.
Posté le 7 nov. 2012
Pardon: moreover.
J'en profite pour corriger ton texte:
......their children's future.....their children...
....some parents want a specific job for their chidren that they don't want to do......Then, children...that they don't like
...choose on their own. a hig school....attend the university..
Posté le 7 nov. 2012
Aufaite il faut juste que je corrige les fautes et que je fasse une intro , un dévelopement et une conclusion ..

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