Expression orale - Evaluation 9 Anglais premiere

Publié le 13 juin 2013 il y a 10A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 juin 2013 dans 10A

Sujet du devoir

Répondez aux questions en écoutant le document un maximum de quatre fois.
(Vous pouvez marquer des pauses.)
 Complete the table: (5 pts)
Number of speakers: …………… male …………… female
Complete name of principal speaker:
Role of other speakers:
Name of one of the other speakers:
Topic of the conversation:
CD 2
36 Évaluation 9 – AN11-12
 Complete the table with information about the principal speaker. (5 pts)
Date joined Communist Party
His approximate age at the time
Where he attended Party meetings
Date left Communist Party
Number of years ago
 True or false? Justify your answer with elements from the dialogue. (4 pts)
a. The principal speaker is always honest.
b. The principal speaker was forced to leave the Communist Party.
c. He insists on the wrongness of Communism.
d. He claims to be patriotic.
 Pick out the characters’ arguments concerning “cooperating”. (8 pts)
The principal speaker’s argument The other speakers’ arguments
- -
 Pick out the characters’ arguments concerning ‘innocence’: (4 pts)
The principal speaker’s argument The other speakers’ argument
- -
 Answer the following questions about the end of the extract: (4 pts)
a. What risk is the principal speaker not prepared to take?
b. What “game” does he accuse the other characters of playing?
Total des points sur 30, ramenés sur 20 par le correcteur.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Répondez aux questions en écoutant le document un maximum de quatre fois.
(Vous pouvez marquer des pauses.)
 Complete the table: (5 pts)
Number of speakers: …………… male …………… female
Complete name of principal speaker:
Role of other speakers:
Name of one of the other speakers:
Topic of the conversation:
CD 2
36 Évaluation 9 – AN11-12
 Complete the table with information about the principal speaker. (5 pts)
Date joined Communist Party
His approximate age at the time
Where he attended Party meetings
Date left Communist Party
Number of years ago
 True or false? Justify your answer with elements from the dialogue. (4 pts)
a. The principal speaker is always honest.
b. The principal speaker was forced to leave the Communist Party.
c. He insists on the wrongness of Communism.
d. He claims to be patriotic.
 Pick out the characters’ arguments concerning “cooperating”. (8 pts)
The principal speaker’s argument The other speakers’ arguments
- -
 Pick out the characters’ arguments concerning ‘innocence’: (4 pts)
The principal speaker’s argument The other speakers’ argument
- -
 Answer the following questions about the end of the extract: (4 pts)
a. What risk is the principal speaker not prepared to take?
b. What “game” does he accuse the other characters of playing?
Total des points sur 30, ramenés sur 20 par le correcteur.

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 13 juin 2013
ton texte est flou,je ne comprend pas ce que tu dis, il faudrait que tu le precise ton devoir sinon personne pourrait t'aider !je veux vraiment t'aider !!
Posté le 13 juin 2013
Je suis d'accord avec bubu. On ne comprend rien.

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