nature gone wild

Publié le 29 janv. 2018 il y a 6A par Anonyme - Fin › 1 févr. 2018 dans 6A
18.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Mum and Dad had come to this country to help the people.

First, it was boiling hot but there were bit of bushes and dry grass. I can remember. After a while that went away. The goats and donkeys stopped coming. The boiling hot stayed forever. The people ran out of water and food. We were lucky because our contry sent us some food and bottled water. Sometimes I shared bits of food with my friends in the village. Most of these didn't have parents anymore because they'd been killed in the fighting in other villages. One day, the rain came. At first, it was exciting I thought everything would be better. But Mum and Dad still looked worried. The rain was so heavy it hit you hard on your head and shoulders. You couldn't think or hear or see. I sat inside and waited for it to stop. And waited. Then I could hear Dad going out. I asked Mum wat was happening. She said « The rain has come down so fast and heavily on the dry hard ground that it hasn't soaked in. It's made rivers and flooded people's homes. Dad's going to try and help rescue some of the people. » In the morning Dad explained, « Bcause of the rain, the entire hill above the village has just fallen away and covered the houses. It's called a landslide. We did get some people out... »

1) say what you know about the narrator.

2) quoting elements from the text , say where the story takes place and describe the climatic conditions. 

3) what happened one dy ? compre and explain the characters' reactions to this event.

4) dad said "we did get some people..." what does this imply ? 

5) The narrator whrites a letter to his family in england telling them about the disaster that has just struck. 

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Merci d'aider et d'accompagner, mais de ne pas faire le devoir dans son intégralité.

La modération

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 29 janv. 2018

Bonjour, s'il vous plaît, merci!

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Posté le 29 janv. 2018

Bonjour, je ne sais pas si tu dois répondre en anglais ou français mais moi je te dis mes réponses en français. ^^

1) Le narrateur, dans son enfance, partageait sa nourriture avec ses amis du village.

2) L'histoire se déroule dans un village. Le climat était chaud/sec/aride. (Tu dois relever des citations du texte pour justifier.)

3) Un jour, la pluie est arrivée. Le narrateur était excité car la pluie lui manquait et que la terre en avait besoin mais ses parents étaient plutôt inquiets car elle frappait très fort.

4) La terre n'a pas pu absorbé la pluie, il y a eu des inondations et des glissements de terrain. Des gens étaient donc bloqués.

5) La question 5 c'est une expression écrite donc tu devrais le faire toi-même.


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