Rédaction de noël, anglais, correction des fautes

Publié le 17 janv. 2016 il y a 8A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 janv. 2016 dans 8A

Sujet du devoir

Bien le bonjour tout le monde, je poste ici une petite rédaction sur mes vacances de noël que j'avais à faire ce week-end, je précise par avance que notre classe s'entend très bien avec notre professeur et que c'est pour cette raison que je me permets de lui raconter "autant" de choses... Breeeef, merci d'avance !!! 

(Ah, j'ai failli oublié, je n'ai pas de consigne particulière mise à part celle de mettre quelque mots de liaisons, ils y sont ;) merci encore de prendre de votre temps pour me lire et m'aider !! )

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

I stayed at home in the first part of my holiday, the first week-end, I played handball at Bourges with my team, we won the match and I won a beautiful black eye as a shot in the face, it was paintfull, however I saw the positive point : I stopped the ball !
After return at home, I meet some friends and my girl friend to our « anual meeting » at Paul's Birthday, we had fun during all the week-end and come back at home with a big smile.
I haven't travel during my holidays so I just stayed at home, did some sports even though (I confess) I was hurt, played at videogames, meet friends and read and write a lot.
The second part of my holidays is the most important for me, my father finished is work at Paris and come back home, thus we did Christmas thee in family and we could celebrate Christmas with all the family gathered around a big meal. My sister and me payed with our little cousin, meanwhile one of my father's friend dressed up as father christmas and came give the present at the little boy, he smiled (and maked we smile) and laughed a lot.
We came back at home early in the morning and we gave us the present before came to sleep.
After this, I drawn and wrote a lot. I celebrated the new-year with the same Paul's birthday's friends, we had a entiere home just for us, I though the things will turn bad with 12 teenagers alone with... A lot of things about which I think i didn't think here... But I had wrng, it was very fun and interresting... even though someone throwned up to me..But I didn't speak about this either. Anyway, I just changed and we put him into a bed andcontinued the party.
The funniest was when we wake up and had to clean all the house... Oh ! And I almost forgot when I had to explain to my parents why my clothes were...dirty...
Anyhow, these holidays were very relaxing and funny.
By the way Dad and Mum : I haven't throw over me !!!

5 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 janv. 2016

Salut ta rédaction est plutôt pas mal! il y a quand même quelques fautes d'orthographe.

Posté le 18 janv. 2016

Merci jeune patate mais je m'attendais à une réponse un peu plus détaillée qui me corrigerai ou du moins pointerai mes erreurs ;)

Posté le 18 janv. 2016




I have playedHandball in Bourges

I won a black eyebecause ofa shot in the face

I have stoppedthe ball

After my returnat home, I metsome friends and my girl friends for our ....... and I come back ....

I've just stayedat home...I have played... I have met

......as my father has finished...

 we have made the Christmas tree


(je te laisse corriger la première partie je termine l'autre )

Posté le 18 janv. 2016

que voulais tu dire en employant le mot "gathered" car ca n'a pas trop de sens???

My sister and me have payed with our little cousin, a cotume of Santa Claus That a friend of my father have dressed to distribute the presents for the little boy who has smiled .......

I have celebrated the new-year with the same Paul's birthday's friends, we had a whole home just for us, I though the things will turn bad with 12 teenagers alone with...

But I was wrong, it was very fun and interresting... even though someone has throwned up to me..But I didn't speak about this either. Anyway, I just changed and we put him into a bed and continued the party.

Voila voila j'espère que tu auras quand même une bonne note psq ta rédaction est super ;)


Posté le 18 janv. 2016

Merci beaucoup, vraiment :D

Pour le "gathered" je pensais à "rassemblée" autour d'un repas.

Encore merci, pour avoir pris sur ton temps pour m'aider, pour la correction et aussi pour ton petit commentaire tout à fait sympathique ^^

Passe une bonne soirée ;)

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