Aparteid et attaques du 11 septembre 2001

Publié le 31 déc. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 janv. 2017 dans 7A

Sujet du devoir


pouvez-vous m'aider à faire un lien entre l'Apartheid et les attaques du 11 septembre 2001 ?

Merci beaucoup...

4 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 31 déc. 2016

Pas facile, sinon l'intolérance et 2 situations de violence, rejet violent de celui qui est différent.

Posté le 1 janv. 2017


Voici la consigne de mon devoir :

explain the apartheid, why it was etablished, what in involved, how it ended and the international strategy that ensued.


Est-ce que mon texte répond à cette consigne ? J'ai sûrement fait un hors-sujet ou oublié des choses...


          To begin, Apartheid is the name given to the
racial segregation policy in South Africa by the white
minority against the black majority.
In French it would be the equivalent of "séparation",
"mise à part".
Set up in 1948 by the National Party, apartheid is
based on the separate development of the populations
and was practiced until 1991.
          To go further, i'ts necessary to speak about
Nelson Mandela, who is a character who played an
enormous role in the struggle against this apartheid
regime. He has devoted more than fifty years of his
life to the struggle for racial equality in South Africa,
which makes him an extremely generous and
unforgettable character. It is even identified as
"ambassador of conscience" !
After studying law, he quicly became involved in the
struggle against the apartheid regime. But he was
arrested in 1964 for begin found guilty of sabotage,
sentenced to life imprisonment and incarcerated in
Robben Island prison, off the Cape. He was released
in February 19920, after 27 years in jail. He
negotiated the dismantling of apartheid and later
became the first democratically elected black
president of South Africa in Maf 1994 in the first
national elections. One year before the election, he
also won the 1993 Nobel Prize "for foundations for a
new democratic South Africa".
         Then, there was the creation of the ANC,
which is a nationalist independence movement in
South Africa founded on 8 January 1912 in
Bloemfontein under another name, and since 1994
became the ruling party. This his wher we can talk
about a second character : Thabo Mbeki. He joined
the ANC at the age of 14, and has since devoted his
life to the party. He spent 28 years in exile and
returned after the liberation of Nelson Mandela in
February 1990. He became deputy president of South
Africa in May 1994 while Nelson Mandela became
president of the ANC. He was elected President of the
Republic of South Africa in 1999 and re-elected for a
new term in 2004.
          In addition, We can make a close connection
between Apartheid and the attacks of September 11,
2001, since these two relate to the intolerance and
violent rejection of the one that is different.
          As a conclusion, Apartheid is a violent and
threatening political system organized on the basis of
rigorous racial discrimination which promotes "the
parallel and separate development of races".
Apartheid organizes a systematic territorial separation
between the different ethnic groups.
From an economic point of view, apartheid wants to
perpetuate the cultural and political domination of
whites based on a predominantly white and afrikaner
demography. And so we have Nelson Mandela and
who are the key characters of the end of apartheid
through his courageous struggle.
They made it ... together!



Posté le 1 janv. 2017

Je ne peux pas corriger, mais il me semble que tu ne parles pas assez des conséquences

( économiques, politiques, sociales) de l’apartheid, et trop de Nelson Mandela.


Bonne année 2017

Posté le 1 janv. 2017

Dans les deux cas, il s'agit d'une intolérence envers une population qui se manifeste par des actes de violences (je sais pas si ça a un rapport mais j'ai trouvé ca: "le massacre de Sharpeville") 

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