Complete with a form of used to or the simple past.

Publié le 2 mars 2013 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 9 mars 2013 dans 11A
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Sujet du devoir

(used to : tu montres que les choses on changé / Prétérit simple: tu relates seulement les faits.)
1.There (not be) many innabitants before 1788.
2.The first settlers (think) the land (be) empty.
3.The british government (send) convicts to settle on the land. The first (arrive) in 1788.
4.It (take) months to reach Australia then. Now it takes a few hours.
5. Many Aboriginals (die). They (catch) European diseases against which they (have) no immunity.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1. There used to be many .. ou Didn't use to be
2. Tought et was
3. Sent et arrived
4. Used to take
5. Died et caught et had

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 3 mars 2013
Sujet : (used to : tu montres que les choses on changé / Prétérit simple: tu relates seulement les faits.)
1. There were not many inhabitants before 1788.
2. The first settlers thought the land was empty.
3. The British Government sent convicts to settle on the land. The first arrived in 1788.
4. It had taken months to reach Australia then. Now it takes a few hours.
5. Many Aboriginals died. They caught European diseases against which they had no immunity.
Posté le 3 mars 2013
Paule79 j'ai besoin de vous en Allemand
Posté le 3 mars 2013
Merci beaucoup d'avoir pris le temps de me donner les réponses. Merci encore.

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