Compréhension oral

Publié le 19 mars 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 23 mars 2012 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir


J'ai quelques difficultés à comprendre mon devoir oral d'anglais. Donc j'aurais de votre aide pour vérifier mon devoir et m'aider à répondre aux questions auxquelles je n'ai pas pu répondre.
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1) Who are the main two protagonists ? Give their names.
2) Where do they meet ?
3) What is their conversation about ?
4) The main character’s tone suggests that he is :
- enthusiastic
- angry
- disappointed
- sad
Justify your choice in your own words:

Écoutez le début de l’enregistrement deux fois (du début jusqu’au premier bip sonore) et répondez aux questions.

5) Choose only one answer :
- Before this trip, John had already been to the USA but never to New York
- He had never been to the USA
- He had already been to New York
6)John went to the USA for professional reasons:
- true
- false

Justify your answer in your own words:

7) Jenny and John have met recently.
- yes
- no
Justify your answer in your own words:

8) The hotel where John stayed was :
- The Manhattan Hotel
- The New Yorker Hotel
- The George Washington Hotel
9) John liked the view he had from the top of the Statue of Liberty.
- true
- false
Justify your answer in your own words:

Écoutez la partie 2 de l’enregistrement deux fois (à partir du premier bip sonore jusqu’au suivant) et répondez aux

10) What did John think of Brooklyn Heights Promenade? And what did this place remind him of ?

11) John was a bit disappointed because they didn’t have time to see a show in Broadway. Explain.
- yes
- no
Justify your answer in your own words:

Écoutez la partie 3 de l’enregistrement deux fois (à partir du deuxième bip sonore, jusqu’à la fin) et répondez aux

12) The limousine driver enjoyed listening to CDs by :
- The Rolling Stones
- The Who
- The Beatles
- The Doors
Give one of the three titles mentioned in the conversation:

13) John gives precise details which make us share his New York experience. Pick out three of these details :
- a colour he noticed in the streets of New York ? “…………”
- a sound he remembers? “………………”
- a typical visual element of this city? “………………………..”
- a typical kind of food? “………………………..”

Make sentences to explain your answers. What does he refer to exactly ?


14) John was so impressed by New York that in his conversation with Jenny, he mentions about twenty famous places he saw there! Pick out and write down eight of these names.

15) How does the conversation between Jenny and John end? How does John react?

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

1)Who are the main two protagonists ? Give their names.
- Geny
- John
2)Where do they meet ?
- It probably meet in road.
3)What is their conversation about ?
- John tells him his stay in New York, he told him he had to opportunity to make friends, Geny asked how long did he stay in New york and john replied just for the weekend.John tells him or he to stay during his stay.

- When you hear the tone of the voice of John, we understand immediately that he enjoyed his stay, he talks about many things.

5)Choose only one answer
- He had never been to the USA

6) False
- He did not even talk about work.

7) No
- early geny said it's been super long since we is not seen!

8)The New Yorker Hotel

- ????????



12) - The Beatles;- The Rolling Stones.



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2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 21 mars 2012
pour ouvrir il faut être inscrit????
Posté le 22 mars 2012
non pas besoin d’être inscrit.

Ils ont besoin d'aide !

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