Correction anglais Picasso

Publié le 9 déc. 2018 il y a 5A par Anonyme - Fin › 12 déc. 2018 dans 5A
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Sujet du devoir

Bonjour j’ai besoin d’une correction en anglais merci


je suis de france et je suis intéressé je voudrai savoir comment se passe l’envoie en france 


je voudrai aussi avoir plus d’info sur la chute d’igare de picasso. A t’il vraiment été fait par picasso ?que signifie edition ?a quelle date a t’il été fait

I am from France and I am interested I want to know how is sent to France

I would also like to have more info on the picasso igare fall. Was it really done by picasso? What does edition mean? On what date was it

3 commentaires pour ce devoir

karim laggoun
karim laggoun
Posté le 9 déc. 2018

I am from France and I am interested I would like to know how is sent to France

I would also like to have more informations on the picasso's igare fall. Was it really done by picasso? What does edition mean? On what date was it 
Posté le 9 déc. 2018

Posté le 12 déc. 2018

Salut, tiens, je pense que tu devrai plutot faire ça, mais je ne suis pas une experte donc... :


I am from France and I am interested I want to know how is sent to France

I would also like to have more informations about the picasso's igare fall. Was it really done by picasso? What does edition mean? On what date was it ?

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