Correction de ce texte sur les action humanitaires d'Angelina Jolie ......................... svp ...................................................

Publié le 30 déc. 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 déc. 1999 dans 24A

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Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Angelina Jolie became sensitive to the humanitarian crisis in the world during shooting of TOM RAIDER in Cambodge. She took her first excursion in the ground, a mission of 18 days in Sierra Leone and Tanzanie . She met Afghans refugees in Pakistan where she did a donation of 1 milione dollars. She has been nominate "ambassadrice de bonne volonté" for the HDR on 27 auguste 2001 . Agelina jolie went in humanitarian mission and she met refugees in more 20 countries . The actress and her husband Brad Pitt gave 1 milion dollars to help assistance in Haiti. They adopted 3 children ; in cambodge, viet nam and ethiopia .

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