Publié le 27 sept. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 30 sept. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

Je dois me présenté en anglais, dire qui je suis dire ce que j'aime ce que je faais en dehors des cours. Voici un petit début :) Si vous pouvez corrigé éventuellement les erreurs que j'ai pus faire :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

My name is Axxxxx Axxx. I was born the second July ninety ninety five at Mxxxxx. My address is 1 rue xxxxxx and my telephone number is the: 00 00 00 00 00. I’m French of nationality and Moroccan of origin. My mother tongues are French and Arabic and my other foreign language are English and German. Later on, I would like to be in the aeronautics, because I very like it !

9 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 27 sept. 2011
My name is Axxxxx Axxx. I was born on the second of July ninety ninety five in Mxxxxx. My address is 1 rue xxxxxx and my telephone number is 00 00 00 00 00. I have dual citizenship French and Morrocan. My mother tongues are French and Arab and my other foreign languages are English and German. Later on, I would like to work in the aeronautical field, because I like it much !
Posté le 27 sept. 2011
Meerci beaucoup
Posté le 27 sept. 2011
Tu peux aussi dire quel genre de musique tu aimes, quand est-ce que tu écoutes de la musique...
Yon descriptif moral et physique avec des adjectifs...
Et je te donne un petit conseil si tu veux te décrire physiquement. Pour dire la couleur de tes yeux utilise un mot composé :
I'm a green-eyed boy. par exemple
Et voila jespere que toutes ces petites informations supplémentaires pourront t'aider : )
Posté le 28 sept. 2011
My name is Axxxxx Axxx. I was born on the second July ninety ninety five at Mxxxxx. I live at 1 rue xxxxxx and my phone number is the: 00 00 00 00 00. I’m French and I have Moroccan origins. My mother tongues are French and Arabic and I also speak English and German. Later, I would like to work in the aeronautics, because I very like it !

Je n'ai fait que corriger quelques fautes mais la base est très bien. J'espère t'avoir aidé.
Posté le 28 sept. 2011
My name is Axxxxx Axxx. I was born on the second July nineteen ninety five at Mxxxxx. My address is 1 rue xxxxxx and my phone number is the: 00 00 00 00 00. I’m French and I've Moroccan origin. My mother tongues are French and Arabic but I also speak English and German. Later, I would like to work in the aeronautics, because I like it so much!
Posté le 28 sept. 2011
C'est fait :) Meerci
Posté le 28 sept. 2011
pardon il faut mettre Arabic au lieu d'Arab. Arab c'est l'origine, Arabic c'est la langue.
Posté le 29 sept. 2011
My name is Axxxxx Axxx and I was born on July 2nd (the second)ninety ninety five at Mxxxxx. My address is 1 street xxxxxx, and my telephone number is the 00 00 00 00 00.I have the french nationality but I'm moroccan. My mother speak french and arabic and my foreign language are english and german. Later on, I would like to be in the aeronautics beacause I very like it!

Tu pourrai rajouter des trucs genre: My adress is 1 street xxxx, I live in a (appartement, house, cottage, big house, loft) with my parents and my (nombre;ex:1) brother, (nom;ex:Gary).
Posté le 29 sept. 2011
tu pourrais mettre tes hobbies,ton établissement..

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