description d'une image en anglais

Publié le 9 mai 2012 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 25 mai 2012 dans 11A
15.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir


Sujet : Décrire et analyser l'image suivante

Aide : Parler des couleurs, de la lumière, du mouvement, des personnages, des formes. On peut aussi dire : "at the top left- hand corner", "at the top", "the middle", "the focus", "the bottom", " at the bottom left hand corner" , " left hand side", the right hand side" ....

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Voici ma description :

This document is a photo.
The scene takes place in Time Square , a famous district in New York. There are a lot of advertisements, tourists buses and cars.

There is a great representation of different people living or visiting this center of the world.
We can see many people in the foreground. Two young individuals with a red tee-shirt are crossing the street while talking about . On their right, an older man with glasses wears a light blue shirt and a black trousers, he seems to be in a hurry. Maybe he works in a office. Behind them, a black car allows a father and his baby to cross the street. The father wears short pants therefore we can think that the weather is fine. We can see in the foreground the face of a young asian woman in profile.

A red bus runs on the roadway. It transports tourists who want visit New York. The “New York Sightseeing” buses are specialists in this field.
In the foreground we can distinguish taxis , well-known for their yellow colour and a red traffic light.
In the background we can see that there are traffic jam.

The skyscrapers are omnipresent in the background, they are everywhere in the city. We can also see the buildings.
American technology can be felt through the many advertisements : photography, music, camera, cinema... of multinational corporations as Kodak, Maxell and Planet Hollywood adorning the Time Square walls. The Planet Hollywood indicates that we observe a famous street.

In conclusion, Time Square is a modern district in New York City . That photograph perfectly illustrates the American life and the present world.

Pouvez vous m'aider et me dire si ma description est bonne, si il faut modifier, ajouter, enlever des choses dans ma description et si mon anglais est bon, s'il y a des fautes dans les mots en anglais, dans la grammaire, la conjugaison ...

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 10 mai 2012
En fait comment cela s'est passé pour Montaigne.?

Pour ton devoir, je vais te le corriger. Dans l'ensemble il est pas mal. N'oublie pas de mettre le présent progressif quand tu décris une image. He is wearing...
Posté le 13 mai 2012

There is a diversity of people living or visiting this famous place. Two young individuals with a red tee-shirt are crossing the street while having a conversation. an older man with glasses is wearing a light blue shirt and a black trousers
Maybe he is working in an office nearby. Behind them, a black car let a father and his baby cross the street. The father is wearing short pants therefore we can assume that the weather is nice . in the foreground We can see the profile of a young Asian woman.
A red bus is running on the roadway. It is carrying tourists who want to visit New York. The “New York Sightseeing” buses are made for this.
In the background we can see that there is some traffic jam.

skyscrapers are omnipresent in the background, they are everywhere in the city. We can also see buildings.
American technology is displayed in many advertisements : photography, music, camera, cinema... of multinational corporations like Kodak, Maxell and Planet Hollywood on the Time Square walls. Planet Hollywood shows that we are certainly on a famous street.

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