Publié le 16 oct. 2011 il y a 12A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 oct. 2011 dans 12A

Sujet du devoir

At twelve o'clock the key turned in the lock , and the wardress and thirdclass prisoner entered with dinner , consisting today of a lump of suet pudding , two potatoes , and a small brown loaf. Jenny knew she would need this food to stoke up for the future. She ate quickly , for now was the wardresses' dinner - hour , and there was no time to be lost. Presently she heard four taps on the wall , and a voice that seemed to come from a long way off called out Suffragette signal.
Jenny knelt down by the hot-water pipe and answered vigorously : "I'm ready " [...]
She went to the opposite wall and sung out in a high , clear voice :
"Ready ?"
"Ready" , came the answer.
Then Jenny , shoe in hand , mounted her stool.
"Here goes" , she cried , and with a good swing of her strong young arm , smash went the sound of breaking glass to right and to left down all the length of the corridor.
"Good and clean , if it is damp". Jenny drew in long draughts of the grey , damp , winter air gratefully. But retribution was already on foot. Bang , bang , bang came the sound of opening doors , followed by loud , angry voices and hurrying footsteps.
Jenny's door was flung wide and the wardress burst in , panting and purple with indignation : " Ooligans ! " she gasped, " ooligans ! That's what you are three four five panes smashed ! " [...]
"It's our protest at bein' deprived of freish air" , said Jenny , still standing near the broken window. "Wa had to do something , or you and the newspapers would have sworn we were quite content to be treated as criminals can't have you sayin' that , you know ! " [...]
But another voice now came ringing through the air a giant voice from outside.
"Courage courage , brave friends of the Cause ! Victory is in sight. All goes well. Your broken windows are a symbol the light and air are let in".

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Il faut inventer la suite de l'histoire mais je ne sais vraiment pas quoi dire ! Merci de bien vouloir m'aider s'il-vous-plaît et si possible me donner un exemple de ce que je pourrais dire en français. Merci d'avance

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 17 oct. 2011
Regarde le contexte. C'est une suffragette... Elle est emprisonnée..
As-tu le nom de l'auteur et le titre du texte ?
Posté le 17 oct. 2011
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