Exposé Oral en Anglais :)

Publié le 18 mai 2010 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 20 mai 2010 dans 13A
20.00 / 20

Sujet du devoir

Voila j'ai fais un voyage en Angleterre et Mon Professeur d'Anglais nous demande un rapport mais je suis vraiment tres nul en Anglais, j'ai beaucoup de difficulté depuis toujours donc on ma conseiller de venir demander de l'aide j'espere que vous pourrez m'aider j'ai fais quelque truc toute seule mais il y a enormement de faute d'orthographe :S Si vous avez déjà fais ce genre de chose pouvez vous m'aider en m'indiquant ce que vous avez mit, Merci d'Avance.

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Well to begin, I'll tell you about my host family.
My host family's name is ******
My family was composed of the mother and the son.
The mother's name was.... and the son's name was *****
***** had ** years old.
During the week we have slept in the first floor in the room of the son.
I don't know many things on the family because we had few moments with them.
Sometimes we played with children.
English food is very special. There is much blend between sweet and salty. The English people don't drink water while eating but a tea and they don't eat much bread. All afternoon we ate hamburger and nuggets at the restaurant CHARLES DICKENS and at night we ate more equilibrate in the family, we ate vegetable and fish.

During the travel, the association Kent School of English was organizes more activities. We began with the visit of the London, where we discovered Buckingham palace, Big Ben, (le garden la). After the Monday, we looked a Video on the safety regulations in England, after we made an orienteering race in Broadstairs. In the evening we discovered a traditional country dancing with a professional caller and live band. The next day, we visited Canterbury. In the evening we danced in discotheque.
For the last day we played at bowling and finally in the evening we sang in a Karaoke. Thanks to all its activity, the class became even more united.

16 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 18 mai 2010

pour quelqu'un qui se dit nul en anglais, c'est pas mal du tout!

je te corrige:

Well to begin, I'll tell you about my host family.
My host family's name is ******
My family was composed of mother and son.
The mother's name is.... and the son's name is *****
***** is ** years old.
During the week we slept on the first floor in the son's room.
I don't know many things about the family because we had few moments with them.
Sometimes we played with children.
English food is very special. There is much blend between sweet and salty. English people doesn't drink water while eating but tea and they don't eat much bread. At lunch we ate hamburger and nuggets at the restaurant CHARLES DICKENS and at dinner we ate more healthy food in the family, we ate vegetable and fish.

During the travel, the association Kent School of English organized more activities. We began with the visit of London, where we discovered Buckingham palace, Big Ben. After on Monday, we lwatched a video on the safety regulations in England, after we made an orienteering race in Broadstairs. In the evening we discovered a traditional country dance with a professional caller and live band. The next day, we visited Canterbury. In the evening we danced in discotheque.
For the last day we played at bowling and finally in the evening we sang in a Karaoke. Thanks to all its activities, the class has become even more united.

cela me semble relativement complet.
Posté le 18 mai 2010
Merci Beaucoup pour tout :) Mais mon professeur en Demande beaucoup plus car il faut parler pres d'une dizaine de minutes et la je seche complet :S
Posté le 18 mai 2010
Je rajoute sa au debut c'est bien ? :
In March, we are lucky to leave for England with 4 different class. Later about 13 hours of road and 1:30 am of ferry we are finally to arrive in a city named Broadstairs.
Merci d'avance
Posté le 18 mai 2010
Salut je ne suis pas une experte en la matière mais je sais que pour ma part mes prof aiment plutôt cette forme :
- tu expliques ton sujet (c'est très important)
- ensuite tu le présentes brièvement (durée de ton séjour, destination but du séjour ...)
- puis tu fais comme un plan (bien évidemment tu ne l'écris pas). Par exemple en premier lieu tu peux faire ta famille, puis tes visites ... Mais développe bien chaque partie tu peux même rajouter tes impressions.
- Ensuite tu peux consacrés un paragraphe aux choses qui t'ont le plus choquée, et qui sont très diffèrent de la France (je suis partie en Angleterre et je sais que beaucoup de choses sont différentes..)
Après pour les fautes d'orthographes c'est pas mon truc.
Voilà. J'espère t'avoir donner une méthode. A bientôt ;)
Posté le 18 mai 2010
Merci beaucoup je crois que c'est ce que je vais faire:)
Merci :)
Posté le 18 mai 2010
De rien et je te souhaite bon courage pour la suite.
Posté le 18 mai 2010
Posté le 18 mai 2010
In March, 4 different classes (of our school) were lucky to go to England. After 13 hours on road and 1 hour and a half on a ferry boat, we finally arrived in a city named Broadstairs.

si tu veux parler 10 min + respecter les consignes du prof (les mêmes que celles de Cocotte06) alors suit les conseils de Cocotte06:
-présentation générale du voyage (durée, où)
-la famille
-les activités
-tes impressions
-un bilan du voyage (aimer/pas aimer, sympa,...)
Posté le 18 mai 2010
Oui je dois faire sa mais le professeur souhaite que l'on traite 3 sujets et il en choissira un.
Je crois avoir trouver unee phrase mais je pense pas qu'elle convienne car je savais pas et me suis servit d'un site malgré que je n'est tres peu confiance en eux :S
When we are to arrive we have at first we even make a tour(ballot) of the city by looking for our houses. Afterward Our Families came to look for us. During the travel I was in Host family with *****.
We did not eat not with the family and shared little moment in outbuildings
Posté le 18 mai 2010
When we arrived, at first we made a tour of the city to look for the hosts' houses. But afterward the families came looking for us. During the journey I was hosted by the ***** (nom de la famille). We didn't eat with the family and we shared little moment together.

Tu peux reprendre quelques phrases de ton texte précédent pour faire le nouveau.
Posté le 18 mai 2010
Oki :) Merci beaucoup si jamais j'ai besoin d'orthographe cela ne vous derange pas si je vous l'envoie :S
Posté le 18 mai 2010
Je souhaiterais marquer ceci quand penser vous :)
**** was a pupil at the school of the city and he showed us the uniform which he had to carry, this little boy also made us discover songs in French which he learnt.
Posté le 18 mai 2010
In the house we did not have accés in the lounge(show) thus we were not able to look and to discover the English TV.
Posté le 18 mai 2010
*** was a pupil at Broastairs school and he showed us the uniform he had to wear. The little boy also introduced us to the Frech songs he learnt.
In the house we couldn't have access to the lounge and thus we were not able to watch and discover English TV.
Posté le 18 mai 2010
Merci beaucoup :) et dernier service excusez moi vraiment je suis assez géner :S
Je voudrais dire:
Lors du voyage mon coequipper etait ****, nous avons habiter a ** avenue de salisbury.
Posté le 19 mai 2010
During the journey, my mate (compagnon) was ***. We lived at number *** on Salisbury Avenue.

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