Exposé sur les baleine !

Publié le 11 mai 2011 il y a 13A par Anonyme - Fin › 18 mai 2011 dans 13A

Sujet du devoir

je doit me faire passer pour un humaniste et deffendre les cause de leurs disparition est pourquoi je les défends mais j'ai pas d'idée.. besoin d'aide svp merci !!

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

pas d'idée ... defendre la cause des baleines mais en anglais mais je ne c'est pas comment former tout sa

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 11 mai 2011
Un exemple :

As you may be aware, whales are endangered species and if we do not act, there won't be any whales in the near future. Some species like the great whales face exctinction. So this is essential to act quickly!

Whaling is a big issue. Some countries hunt whales for their oil and meat. Do you know that some lipsticks are made of oil whale? A whale steack is also very appreciated in Norway.

14 whaling nations have decided to do something to stop this disaster. They therefore formed the International Whaling Commission (IWC) to manage whale stocks and make recommendations on hunting limits. But unfortunately this is not enough. There are still too many whales in danger!

Whales collectively inhabit all the world's oceans and number in the millions, with annual population growth rate estimates for various species ranging from 3-13%.
Whales are essential for the Nature. They are harmless and if they disappear, other species will disappear like dolphins. We have to act against this crime. Whales have no weapon. They cannot defend against harpoons or all kind of weapons used for their hunting.

Whaling is not the only threat but the fishing techniques are also questioned. they are responsible for entanglement. Some whales die because of fishing nets.

Global warmins is also responsible for the decline of whales. every year too many whales are poisoned by waste contaminants. So you can act by recycling and promoting waste management to avoid that our oceans become a giant dustbin!

You can therefore help preserve endangered whales in many simple ways. Learn more about them and the environmental issues that influence. Whaling countries have to respect moratorium for commercial whaling to allow whale populations to recover
Posté le 11 mai 2011
warming pardon

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