Expression orale en anglais - correction

Publié le 4 janv. 2013 il y a 11A par Anonyme - Fin › 14 janv. 2013 dans 11A

Sujet du devoir

Alors voilà, j'ai fait un texte pour une expression orale seulement voilà, je ne suis pas sûr de mon anglais, j'aimerais, si vous voulez bien obtenir une correction de texte déjà effectué. Merci d'avance :)

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Hello Mr Saltman. I am brockman Kent, to postpone put back for the newspaper " happy life " I would like to ask you some question on your jump has the elastic rubber band, if you don't mind.

Hello Kent! I am happy to meet you, I heard a lot about you, ask me the questions which you want!

First of all I would like to know why you chose the jump has the elastic, which were your motivations?

Being small, it was my biggest dream, the jump in the space.. But my parents relatives have never wanted due to the lack of money and by fear that there is something grave. Then I take advantage of it today now that I am an adult and person in charge

It is an excellent idea, what one be your fear before your jump in the space?

I am say " My god. And if I fell? If ever The elastic rubber band released left,broke ? I was in panic, and then I am say that in the end it was the magnificent experience which will reproduce surement not.

You really had courage! And during the jump, how did you feel?

I felt free, I stole! It was really magic.

And indeed I thank you for having agreed to answer has my questions, Goodbye for maybe new experiments !

Good bye brockman sir!

2 commentaires pour ce devoir

Posté le 5 janv. 2013
C'est une traduction par un traducteur en ligne genre google traduction et ça traduit n'importe comment.

Hi Mister Saltman! Let me introduce you myself.I am a reporter and my name is Kent Brockman. I have been working for the newspaper "Happy Life" since 1980. If you don't mind, I would love to ask you some questions about your bungee jumping achievements.
Nice to meet you Kent. I have heard a lot about you. Sure, you can ask me any questions.
Thank you Mister Saltman. Here's my first question: What made you choose the bungee jumping?
When I was a little kid, jumping in the space was my dearest dream. My parents and relatives could not pay my trainings because of lack of money and also they were affraid a serious accident might happen to me. But now that I am an adult and can afford it, I can enjoy myself and I made my dream come true!
I am glad you are happy with that.
Could you please also tell me how do you feel before jumping in the space?
I always say " Oh My God, what if I fell down, if the rubber broke or released..? I feel a bit affraid but at the end when everything goes right I tell myself that was a magnificent experience!
You were relly courageous. And how did you feel during the jump?
I felt free because I was flying and that was really magic indeed!
Thank you so much again for answering my questions. Hope to meet you again in the future for new experiences and successes.
Good bye Mister Saltman.
Good bye Kent.
Posté le 5 janv. 2013
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