mon école idéal ( rédaction en anglais )

Publié le 1 nov. 2016 il y a 7A par Anonyme - Fin › 3 nov. 2016 dans 7A
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Sujet du devoir

Je dois inventer mon école idéal ( rédaction en anglais ) pour cela je dois utiliser l’irréel; mon texte est déjà écrit il nécessite surement quelques corrections ... Mais surtout il faut que vous m'aidiez a le mettre a la forme irréel .... merci d'avance

Où j'en suis dans mon devoir

Hello muggle …. Welcome to Wizards School of London! This school does not exist is my ideal school… This school is situated in the city center, this is a pleasant and comfortable place to live. Indeed, the high school is the site of the old luxury department store Harrods. there are 7 stages. It 's the largest and the oldest school in England… In the hall there are 8 elevators. There is a underground car park for teachers and students . The students don’t need to wear uniform. They can put on casual wear and go to school.
On the ground floor, there is the sport court… there are two changing rooms, toilets, a football ground, one basketball court, an Olympic size swimming pool, a covered pool, tennis courts with an exceptional hard court and we have a small weight room. On the second floor there are all lessons about magic (History of Magic,Care of Magical Creatures,Muggle Studies etc…. ) no it's not like in Hogwarts because on the 4thand the 5th floors there are all the classics lessons ( English, history , maths, French, ) It's a boarding school… the boarding is in the 7th floor. Each bedroom has a Bathroom,a dressing room, a kitchen and a private jacuzzi on terrace. The students can lunch at the restaurant, indeed this high school has 5 restaurants in the 3rd floor, or they call the room service… the motto of the school is « no homework » so the students have a lot of free time…indeed the school starts at 9am.It finishes at 3pm. There are lots of social and cultural activities… like sport ... we have a football team whose the coach is David Beckham, a basketball team… There is the cinema club whose the teacher is Johnny Depp ! There are lots of things to do ! I hope so that you like my ideal school … Goodbye muggle

1 commentaire pour ce devoir

Posté le 1 nov. 2016


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